INTERFAITH HARMONY IN PAKISTAN AN ANALYSIS      10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).02      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : MuqarrabAkbar , HafsaYaseen

02 Pages : 9-18


  • Aqeel, A. (2018, July 01)
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  • Jinnah, M. Ali. (1947). Speeches as Governor General of Pakistan 1947-1948, Karachi, Pakistan Publication.
  • Khan, T., Österman, K., & Björkqvist, K. (2017). Severity and Reasons Behind Religious Intolerance in Pakistan: Perceptions of Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadis, and Christians. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 4(4), 193-202.
  • Masaldan, P. (1952). The Heart of Asia: Review. India Quarterly, Jstore, 8(1), 106-109
  • Mahsood, A. K., Muhammad Kamran (2017). Dynamics of secterian violence in Pakistan: Recommendations to the Policy Makers. ResearchGate, 103-118.
  • Masih, S. (2017). Challenges of interfaith harmony. Karachi: Pakistan Observer.
  • Qureshi, Z. (2017). Right of freedom of religion must for peace in Society. Pakistan Observer.
  • Rafi, H. (2015, july 29). Religious scholors stress interfaith harmony. Islamabad: Dawn. Report of World interfaith harmony week. (2017) United Nations forum. Online at:
  • Report of Pakistan Bureau of statistics. (1998). Population by Religion. Online at: religion/
  • Shaukat, R. (2017). Interfaith Harmony in Pakistan. Lahore: Pakistan Observer.
  • Warriach, S. (2016, December 27). Religious Extremism and terrorism in Pakistan. Lahore: The Nation.
  • Wolpert, J. (1989)
  • Aqeel, A. (2018, July 01)
  • Ahmed, A. (2016). Impact Of State Policies On Interfaith Relations In Pakistan. NewYork: Springer International publishing.
  • Chaudhary, M. A. (2006). Religious practices at Sufi Shrines. Pakistan Journal of History and culture, 31(1), 2-10
  • Global Village space Report. (2018). More than 1800 Pakistani clerics issued fatwa against suicide bombing. Online at:
  • Hamid, Miraj Ul (2015) 'Threat to national security of Pakistan an Analysis Ananalysis/-
  • Jinnah, M. Ali. (1947). Speeches as Governor General of Pakistan 1947-1948, Karachi, Pakistan Publication.
  • Khan, T., Österman, K., & Björkqvist, K. (2017). Severity and Reasons Behind Religious Intolerance in Pakistan: Perceptions of Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadis, and Christians. European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, 4(4), 193-202.
  • Masaldan, P. (1952). The Heart of Asia: Review. India Quarterly, Jstore, 8(1), 106-109
  • Mahsood, A. K., Muhammad Kamran (2017). Dynamics of secterian violence in Pakistan: Recommendations to the Policy Makers. ResearchGate, 103-118.
  • Masih, S. (2017). Challenges of interfaith harmony. Karachi: Pakistan Observer.
  • Qureshi, Z. (2017). Right of freedom of religion must for peace in Society. Pakistan Observer.
  • Rafi, H. (2015, july 29). Religious scholors stress interfaith harmony. Islamabad: Dawn. Report of World interfaith harmony week. (2017) United Nations forum. Online at:
  • Report of Pakistan Bureau of statistics. (1998). Population by Religion. Online at: religion/
  • Shaukat, R. (2017). Interfaith Harmony in Pakistan. Lahore: Pakistan Observer.
  • Warriach, S. (2016, December 27). Religious Extremism and terrorism in Pakistan. Lahore: The Nation.
  • Wolpert, J. (1989)

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    CHICAGO : Akbar, Muqarrab, and Hafsa Yaseen. 2020. "Interfaith Harmony in Pakistan: An Analysis." Global Political Review, V (I): 9-18 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).02
    HARVARD : AKBAR, M. & YASEEN, H. 2020. Interfaith Harmony in Pakistan: An Analysis. Global Political Review, V, 9-18.
    MHRA : Akbar, Muqarrab, and Hafsa Yaseen. 2020. "Interfaith Harmony in Pakistan: An Analysis." Global Political Review, V: 9-18
    MLA : Akbar, Muqarrab, and Hafsa Yaseen. "Interfaith Harmony in Pakistan: An Analysis." Global Political Review, V.I (2020): 9-18 Print.
    OXFORD : Akbar, Muqarrab and Yaseen, Hafsa (2020), "Interfaith Harmony in Pakistan: An Analysis", Global Political Review, V (I), 9-18