CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AN ILLUSION OR REALITY      10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).35      Published : Mar 2020
Authored by : ZarfishanQaiser , KhushbakhtQaiser

35 Pages : 326-333


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    CHICAGO : Qaiser, Zarfishan, and Khushbakht Qaiser. 2020. "Corporate Social Responsibility: An Illusion or Reality." Global Political Review, V (I): 326-333 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).35
    HARVARD : QAISER, Z. & QAISER, K. 2020. Corporate Social Responsibility: An Illusion or Reality. Global Political Review, V, 326-333.
    MHRA : Qaiser, Zarfishan, and Khushbakht Qaiser. 2020. "Corporate Social Responsibility: An Illusion or Reality." Global Political Review, V: 326-333
    MLA : Qaiser, Zarfishan, and Khushbakht Qaiser. "Corporate Social Responsibility: An Illusion or Reality." Global Political Review, V.I (2020): 326-333 Print.
    OXFORD : Qaiser, Zarfishan and Qaiser, Khushbakht (2020), "Corporate Social Responsibility: An Illusion or Reality", Global Political Review, V (I), 326-333
    TURABIAN : Qaiser, Zarfishan, and Khushbakht Qaiser. "Corporate Social Responsibility: An Illusion or Reality." Global Political Review V, no. I (2020): 326-333.