http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).17      10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).17      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : Nayyer Iqbal , Umbreen Javaid

17 Pages : 145-154


  • Afzal, M. (2018, January 12), The future of the Pakistan -U.S. relations, Brookings.
  • Amir, A. (2020, January 17), Pakistan and CPEC are drawn into the U.S. China rivalry, China Brief, 20(1).
  • Aziz, S. (2018, January 02), Pakistan-U.S. war of words over Donald Trump tweet, Al-Jazeera.
  • Admin (2020, February 29), Trump's India visit to counter China, Gwadar and CPEC News
  • Abbas, Q. (2019, December 08), Trust deficit is a huge constraint in the U.S.-Pakistan relations, The News
  • Blog, CRSS. (2020, January 24), China rubbishes cliché U.S. allegations on CPEC, Centre for Research and Security Studies.
  • Chambers, S. (2018, January 29), Chinese state-owned enterprises now own 10& of Europe's Container Terminal Capacity, Splash 247.
  • Louchely. (2019, June 17), Trump detests the Belt and Road Initiative, Counterpunch.org
  • Dawn (2017, March 24), India's expanding trade ties: a strategy to counter-balance CPEC, Chinese Daily, Dawn group of newspapers.
  • Dawn (2019, November 26), Alice Well's remarks about CPEC: repetition of old slanders, Chinese Foreign Ministry, Dawn.
  • Dawn (2020, January 23), U.S. on CPEC',Editorial of daily, Dawn.
  • Dawn (2020, November 24), U.S. stance on CPEC would have no impact on project: Qureshi, a statement of Pakistan's foreign minister.
  • Europian Commission (2018, September 19), EU steps -up its strategy for connecting Europe and Asia, Press release.
  • Hillman, J. (2018, April 02), Game of loans: how China bought Hambantota? Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
  • Iqbal, A. (2017, October 07), CPEC passes through disputed territory: U.S., Dawn.
  • Jamal, U. (2020, January 24), CPEC and beyond: China and the U.S. fight for influence in Pakistan, The Diplomat.
  • Khaliq, R. (2017, October 11), Why is U.S. against CPEC? Global Village Space.
  • Lagarde. and Meia N.(2018,Augest 16), Guardians of the Belt and Road, Mercator Institute for China Studies.
  • Lyc. (2016, Augest 16), Assessing U.S.-China relations under the Obama administration, Brookings
  • Nan, Z. (2016, April 22), China: overseas security to get upgraded, China Daily.
  • Outlook (2020, November 22), Black listed firms got CPEC project contracts: Alice Wells, The News Scroll.
  • Pompeo, M. (2018, July 30), interview of the U.S. Secretary of State by CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.
  • Sidiqi's. (2018, November 05), Is America against the CPEC? Pakistan Defense.
  • The News Indian Express (2020, January 22), Firms blacklisted by World Bank got CPEC contracts: Alice Wells, the statement of the U.S. Assistant SOS for South Asian Affairs.
  • The Express Tribune (2019, November 23), U.S. warns Pakistan of risks from China infrastructure push, a speech by Alice Wells, the U.S. Assistant SOS for South Asian Affairs.
  • Tobin, L. (2018, December 12), Xi's vision for transforming global governance: A strategic challenge for Washington and its allies, Texas National Security Review.
  • U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (2019, November), a report presented before the 1st session of the one hundred and sixteenth congress of America.
  • Xuhui, Y.; Juan, Z. and Tiezzi, S. (2016, November 09), A Chinese perspective on Obama's Asia Policy, The Diplomat.
  • Yu, C.; Jiani, Li and Yu; Z. (2019, February), Research on the development of the overseas strategic airlift capability, Journal of the Military Transportation University.
  • Zaidi, M. (2016, November 22), 'Pakistan-U.S. relations in the Trump era', The News.
  • Afzal, M. (2018, January 12), The future of the Pakistan -U.S. relations, Brookings.
  • Amir, A. (2020, January 17), Pakistan and CPEC are drawn into the U.S. China rivalry, China Brief, 20(1).
  • Aziz, S. (2018, January 02), Pakistan-U.S. war of words over Donald Trump tweet, Al-Jazeera.
  • Admin (2020, February 29), Trump's India visit to counter China, Gwadar and CPEC News
  • Abbas, Q. (2019, December 08), Trust deficit is a huge constraint in the U.S.-Pakistan relations, The News
  • Blog, CRSS. (2020, January 24), China rubbishes cliché U.S. allegations on CPEC, Centre for Research and Security Studies.
  • Chambers, S. (2018, January 29), Chinese state-owned enterprises now own 10& of Europe's Container Terminal Capacity, Splash 247.
  • Louchely. (2019, June 17), Trump detests the Belt and Road Initiative, Counterpunch.org
  • Dawn (2017, March 24), India's expanding trade ties: a strategy to counter-balance CPEC, Chinese Daily, Dawn group of newspapers.
  • Dawn (2019, November 26), Alice Well's remarks about CPEC: repetition of old slanders, Chinese Foreign Ministry, Dawn.
  • Dawn (2020, January 23), U.S. on CPEC',Editorial of daily, Dawn.
  • Dawn (2020, November 24), U.S. stance on CPEC would have no impact on project: Qureshi, a statement of Pakistan's foreign minister.
  • Europian Commission (2018, September 19), EU steps -up its strategy for connecting Europe and Asia, Press release.
  • Hillman, J. (2018, April 02), Game of loans: how China bought Hambantota? Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
  • Iqbal, A. (2017, October 07), CPEC passes through disputed territory: U.S., Dawn.
  • Jamal, U. (2020, January 24), CPEC and beyond: China and the U.S. fight for influence in Pakistan, The Diplomat.
  • Khaliq, R. (2017, October 11), Why is U.S. against CPEC? Global Village Space.
  • Lagarde. and Meia N.(2018,Augest 16), Guardians of the Belt and Road, Mercator Institute for China Studies.
  • Lyc. (2016, Augest 16), Assessing U.S.-China relations under the Obama administration, Brookings
  • Nan, Z. (2016, April 22), China: overseas security to get upgraded, China Daily.
  • Outlook (2020, November 22), Black listed firms got CPEC project contracts: Alice Wells, The News Scroll.
  • Pompeo, M. (2018, July 30), interview of the U.S. Secretary of State by CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.
  • Sidiqi's. (2018, November 05), Is America against the CPEC? Pakistan Defense.
  • The News Indian Express (2020, January 22), Firms blacklisted by World Bank got CPEC contracts: Alice Wells, the statement of the U.S. Assistant SOS for South Asian Affairs.
  • The Express Tribune (2019, November 23), U.S. warns Pakistan of risks from China infrastructure push, a speech by Alice Wells, the U.S. Assistant SOS for South Asian Affairs.
  • Tobin, L. (2018, December 12), Xi's vision for transforming global governance: A strategic challenge for Washington and its allies, Texas National Security Review.
  • U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (2019, November), a report presented before the 1st session of the one hundred and sixteenth congress of America.
  • Xuhui, Y.; Juan, Z. and Tiezzi, S. (2016, November 09), A Chinese perspective on Obama's Asia Policy, The Diplomat.
  • Yu, C.; Jiani, Li and Yu; Z. (2019, February), Research on the development of the overseas strategic airlift capability, Journal of the Military Transportation University.
  • Zaidi, M. (2016, November 22), 'Pakistan-U.S. relations in the Trump era', The News.

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    CHICAGO : Iqbal, Nayyer, and Umbreen Javaid. 2020. "CPEC: The U.S. Stance and its Impact on Pakistan-U.S. Relations." Global Political Review, V (I): 145-154 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).17
    HARVARD : IQBAL, N. & JAVAID, U. 2020. CPEC: The U.S. Stance and its Impact on Pakistan-U.S. Relations. Global Political Review, V, 145-154.
    MHRA : Iqbal, Nayyer, and Umbreen Javaid. 2020. "CPEC: The U.S. Stance and its Impact on Pakistan-U.S. Relations." Global Political Review, V: 145-154
    MLA : Iqbal, Nayyer, and Umbreen Javaid. "CPEC: The U.S. Stance and its Impact on Pakistan-U.S. Relations." Global Political Review, V.I (2020): 145-154 Print.
    OXFORD : Iqbal, Nayyer and Javaid, Umbreen (2020), "CPEC: The U.S. Stance and its Impact on Pakistan-U.S. Relations", Global Political Review, V (I), 145-154
    TURABIAN : Iqbal, Nayyer, and Umbreen Javaid. "CPEC: The U.S. Stance and its Impact on Pakistan-U.S. Relations." Global Political Review V, no. I (2020): 145-154. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).17