http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).20      10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).20      Published : Mar 2021
Authored by : Maria Nisar , Rana Imran Ali , Muhammad Asif

20 Pages : 208-215


    Nowadays regional as well as global spirits are being changed because of the strong relationship between Pakistan and China. Pakistan is getting richness and advancement with the influence of the magnificent platform of china. The relationship of both countries bonds in the shape of the china-Pak economic corridor (CPEC) project, which has been a great fact to maintain the relationship of Pakistan and China. Both countries are rich in their connection like "higher than a mountain," stronger than steel, deeper than the ocean as well as sweeter than honey". This paper emphasizes the cultural impact of CPEC on Pakistan and china with its future implications. It also demonstrates the benefits for both countries in a cultural context because this project is going to spread positivity for both countries. The future of Pakistan will be brightened because CPEC is going to change Pakistan into a business center with different countries for the sake of trade like Bangladesh, Indonesia as well as Burma. The nature of this research is qualitative and the data collected from secondary sources. It was analyzed through a historical context that signifies the importance of CPEC as a sign of fortune for both countries. So, the cultural impact of both countries will be rich and distinct, with numerous benefits through this project.


    China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC), Future Perspective, Cultural Impact, Pakistani Culture, Chinese Culture


    The relationship between Pakistan and China started in 1950. There is stability as well as extensive antiquity of the association concerning both countries. These two countries are very sincere with each other and their friendship is a role model for other countries. Both countries have solid relations economically, politically as well as socially (Kataria and Naveed, 2014). The potential relationship of both countries is created on union, equivalence, cooperation as well as no clash between them (Kataria and Naveed, 2014). The planned relationship was continued by Pakistan because they acknowledged china as a nation-state, and Pakistan was the first country that created this relationship with China. Inner affairs of Pakistan were not interrupted by the superpower China. The corporation of china remains persistent continuously. Both countries are playing the role of sincere friends for the development of region, harmony, richness and to make the country free from extremism. Economically, both countries committed strongly to free trade agreement (FDI), real exchange as well as import liberalization (Wagner, 2016). Presently, China is playing the role of a game-changer in the form of the China-Pak economic corridor (CPEC) is a big source of development as well as true friendship for both countries. It can be said that the relationship tree of both countries is rising in the shape of complete as well as steady growth. There is also a need for strong communication and collaboration for both countries to be close to each other for the sake of peace, a healthy environment, and success. Throughout the visit of Pakistan in April 2015, a main overseas asset was proclaimed in Pakistan by Chinese President Xi Jinping. It was estimated originally of US$ 46 billion for CPEC as well as the entire project would be accomplished until 20130 (Afridi & Khalid, 2016). Further, it was maintained by Afridi as well as Khalid about the initiation of CPEC, “The CPEC is a rounded, complete set of inexpensive economic creativities from China, just the drive projects once introduced will kick-start an industrial prosperous in Pakistan”. Consequently, Pakistan, as well as China, had contracted 51 documents of indulgence besides the plan of CPEC. This shared occupation procedure by profound economic collaboration over the connection in employment, vigor, announcement, substructure and connectivity will fortify the development of economic growth, as well as a wealthy purpose, may be united. By captivating numerous assistances from CPEC, there’s a work being done on ingresses of Natural Gas since Iran. To achieve its usual gas request, augmented in China, owing to its fast profitable development, determined to develop the third main trader of normal gas. Therefore, it is being stimulated the structure of west to East there has been ducts of gas in 2002, to achieve its fume vitality supplies in challenging zones. Though, there is much value of CPEC to profits china’s phases towards the more economic hulk. Presently, the project of CPEC is in the eye of the public. There is a share of distinct unions between Pakistan and China due to efficient compatibility and openness of culture. Numerous works are being done hardly on OBOR projects with their effect on the countries. But a few scholars analyzed the cultural impact of this project for both countries with its future implications how CPEC is beneficial for both countries in the context of culture. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to frame the cultural impact with basic issues of CPEC along with the future concerning strategies.

    Significance of the Study

    It is needed to increase the information of the interior uncertainty of government and safety in Pakistan by reviewing the literature. The outside reply regarding the development of CPEC is still not strongminded. It is examined through the thorough analyses of data positively as well as negatively the cultural significance of CPEC with future implications for both countries. The study also objects to examining the strength, weaknesses as well as success in the future through this project. It is difficult to unpack the establishing land corridor between the countries. Therefore, secondary data was used to get the significant information of both countries. The available data through secondary sources provided information regarding the involvement of China in Pakistan and how Pakistan is beneficial for china culturally. And how both countries will be implemented in the future through this project. Through this project not only the future of Pakistan will be bright rather the future of China will also be enhanced. 

    Research Objectives

    Hypothetically, the study focuses to control the subsequent research objectives:

    To evaluate the significance of CPEC in the background of China and Pakistan's economy.

    Future implications of Cultural impacts on both countries are expected through this project.

    To converse the chances as well as trials from CPEC for Pakistan as well as China.

    Research Questions

    The review paper will address the following questions:

    1. What are the cultural impacts of CPEC on China and Pakistan with its future implications?

    2. How China and Pakistan can be affected by the opportunities and challenges of CPEC?

    Literature Review

    The concept of a transport corridor initiated the idea of an economic corridor. There is a system of the transport corridor between one country or any two countries to Khursheed et al. Asian journal of German and European studies connected economic centers (Khan 2015). Multilateral trade, as well as a better investment, can be observed when the benefits of regions are stretched through the corridors. To improve such transportation, there is a need to hold the efforts as well as sign infrastructure with a big deal. Therefore to promote the infrastructure, a transport corridor is mostly focused on and recognized as an Economic corridor (Arif. 2015).The economic corridor assists as a dishonorable for interacting amongst different countries as materials of goods or facilities. There is a geographical position for each country that is served through the economic corridor, and there are no harsh rules as well as extensions (peter-Brunner 2013). There are four different progressive stages in each economic corridor, and by using a fundamental method, every previous approach is comprised. The logistic corridor is moved after infrastructure development as well as transport. Thus latter stage corridor provides a basic block to come up. The Trade corridor is joined later by a logistic corridor. To improve the growth of the economy, a craft corridor helps to grow the economic corridor. There are a lot of concerns for which the sincere and friendly relationship between Pakistan and China is growing and moving on, like dynamism safety concerns, economic cooperation, as well as geostrategic fears.

    The literature exposed to the certified announcement of China’s assets in Pakistan in April 2015, which positively performs and its influence on both countries after joining the Gwadar as well as Xinjiang on equally economies (Javaid and Jahangir 2015). The relationship between Pakistan and China was stimulated among all the sectors found by previous researchers (Shah 2015). It paved the way for Pakistan and Chinese policymakers to build a potential relationship between both countries. Lastly, it transformed into a new relationship as China –Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC), (wolf 2016). The main point is one Belt road (OBOR) behind this project which includes Silk Road, economics as well as twenty-first-century Maritime Silk Road belt. To get free trading of an economic factor with the incorporation of twenty-first-century Maritime Silk Road leads to the significance of OBOR. It enhanced the markets of the countries as well as well-proportioned cooperation (Garrisi, 2015).

    Culture change is a subject matter and depends upon one's mind positively or negatively. For example, the visit of women is a matter to be discussed where they didn't go before being stressed, but now they go there without any caution. The rest of the world and we all are having close attention to CPEC, which is a great source of money and infrastructure. It would provide a huge amount and involve one belt, one road, but we are being ignored by the impact of Chinese culture. Chinese culture is money-making as well as counting one.

    CPEC is considered a game-changer as well as a mutual buzz today. Yes, no doubt, it is a game-changer not only economically rather culturally as well. A nation is judged by its culture because culture is the way of life of a nation. It involves different things like costumes, languages, knowledge, values, beliefs, ideas, ideology of the nation they practice. Social pillars of the culture are considered institutions like family, religion as well as schools which are conserved by the responsibility of the media. It is being unnoticed by Pakistani media because of foreign matters by making more and more money. Pakistan is distinct because of its unique cultural elements like ethics, beliefs, and norms and has a beautiful and charming culture. But Arabic, Indian and western culture is foreign, and it is depreciated. But the youth is being distracted by Pakistani media, which is against religion, joint family systems, and disregard of their elders as well as sending old ones to their old homes. There is a bitter reality about the low as well as high culture because low cultures are attracted towards high cultures, but Pakistani culture has its uniqueness and beauty, it's only media that is only encouraging other cultures which are more high and foreign and not endorsing and showing its own culture. Because Pakistani culture is more beautiful than other ones it has its richness and significance. Henceforth, it became a puppet in the hands of foreign media, and they introduced their culture falsely. Especially our country is much fascinated towards Indian, American, and European which is a big danger to our country. As a result, the coming generation is enchanting towards their culture, and they are not being familiarized with their own culture. Asif et al. (2019) argue that there must be a joint venture funding mechanism for the future, particularly in transferring language and culture between China and Pakistan. 

    Power is a worldwide component. In nearly all international relations as well as clarifications of the foremost option is the power, which is the global political economy (Guzzini, 2013). Meanwhile, in the previous two periods of the 20th period, numerous theorists, researchers, as well as politicians consumed their time as well as survived about rational power. They have done numerous works regarding the control as well as in what way it has been dispersed within as well as amongst dissimilar societies as well as how power is recycled in the biosphere of global relations. Boundless Scholars, Confucius, Aristotle, as well as Plato, have highlighted how influence can be disseminated as well as established. Lampton contended regarding it as “Power is the aptitude to describe as well as to attain one’s determinations or objectives” (Lampton, 2008, P.9).

    In global associations, numerous philosophies are recycled by Academics to brand intelligence of miracles. It was alarmed by global relations in theories to clarify as well as comprehend conduct or diverse performers in the global actual. It was claimed claims around the position of philosophies to mark intelligence of the communal creation; he statuses that “A philosophy is a disorder for the real option of information. Deprived of ideas that changed over the forestry of experimental data, we will be powerless to get the timber for the plants. Philosophies are not impartial to the consequence but also the condition for the opportunity of experiential information.

    The pragmatists are more doubters almost global government. The realist is observing for making a diplomatic world, but it is conceivable in the exacting world of safety struggle as well as war. Realists reflect the awareness that passive biosphere is god, but it is not an applied one. Carr, in about practicality (Mearsheimer, 2001), “ inclines to highlight the enticing forte of existing services then the unavoidable charm of current propensities, as well as to maintain that the uppermost understanding lies in compliant and familiarizing oneself to these militaries as well as these propensities”. For example, atomic competence stresses countries to take balanced paces for concord as well as evade war.

    It has the origins of explanation from eighteenth-century Europe. Throughout this era, intellects, as well as political frontrunners, have wisdom that aim might be engaged to brand a biosphere a superior place. Therefore, this place is unceasingly supportive for the creation of the sphere harmless as well as more passive. Most liberals trust that is conceivable to decrease the probabilities of war as well as to intensification international richness. Owing to this, occasionally, they are considered by way of “utopian” or “idealist”.

    In global associations, subsequently, we concerned extra regarding the performance of statuses somewhat than persons, since then it is vital to comprehend the idea of nationwide control. National power or public authority can be selected as “a mix of strategic, military, commercial, political as well as psychological power as well as flaws of a country or a state” (Sarkesian & Connor, 2006). It is significant to comprehend that; factually martial asset other fundamentals are also vital. Through investigative history, we will be able to recognize that armed alone could not succeed, it reflects only one component of nationwide strategy as well as laterally with it numerous other issues effort for the strategy to prosper (Ahmad 2012). Though the armed strength of a government is an imperative issue of nationwide control, there are particular additional foremost issues as sound which defines the nationwide influence of the government.

    Research Methodology

    To attain the key concepts of this study, the methodology is comprised of an interpretive view concentrating on the strategic and social characteristics of the CPEC project. The situation and stance of china and Pakistan were analyzed by reviewing the security, political as well as economic-related features. The data is narrative, and the method is qualitative. The secondary sources were used to gather the data like academic studies, official documents as well as social media, which highlighted the careful and geographic implication of the CPEC project. To improve the value and understanding of CPEC culturally in the context of Pakistan and china exploratory research method was used.

    Results and Discussions

    CPEC is a standard indicator of the union of geo-economic and geostrategic interest for both countries with raised as well as socio-economic relations through the changes of time. The economic interest of the two states would serve the stability of economic development. The efforts will be coordinated through the mutually beneficial infrastructure to counter common challenges. There are some Improvements, and visionary advantages for both countries are as below:

    CPEC and its Importance for China

    One of the highest providers of unpolished oil to China in the Middle East, which invests more than half of the biosphere’s oil. There is an easy entering for china in the Middle East through CPEC as well as other leading countries which have enormous oil supplying marketplaces. Presently, china is a dependent country because of the need for oil. Therefore, this project will offer an opening to china’s industries as well as isolated subdivisions to attach with the world’s firmest developing economy through Pakistan. In this way, the advancement of china's technology will be improved through this project, and china will discover biological sources, mineral sources as well as other regional sources to endorse their country. It will pave different ways like china's major manufacturing structure for the efficiency of the business as well as to preserve the economic growth. The areas of china where the government has full domain Xinjiang as well as Tibet are china's essential territories will be improved. This will finally convert these regions into inland harbors for joining the mountains for china's great development. It will also provide access to china for the Indian Ocean as well as will be benefited through those areas where funding is required for progress purposes. There are numerous proposals for Chinese investors from Pakistan because of the low labor cost. In this way, the western gap will be filled in Chinese western as well as coastal cities. Furthermore, China will get a bright future because of the relationship of Pakistan with the Middle East. In this way, the profit percentage for china is more and heavy as compared to Pakistan. It can be said that the cultural impact of china will be rich and outstanding through this project.

    CPEC and its Importance for Pakistan

    China is not only the trade acquaintance of Pakistan rather also an enormous investor in infrastructure, ports, energy sectors as well as telecommunications. Through private sectors as well as Chinese Government US$20 billion investment in the vigor subdivision, as well as $30 billion in the other key subdivisions as FDI, signed for Pakistan. Among all South Asian countries, Pakistan became the first transfer hub through CPEC. It has a lot of benefits for the nation apart from political as well as military affairs. A big energy shortage is being faced by Pakistan presently as well as limited trades with its neighbors. Through CPEC, Pakistan will be progressed in the energy crisis as well as in the trading system with other countries. CPEC will recover goods as well as services in key trade regions to preserve the stability as well as peace in the southern and central Asian region. Pakistan’s economy will be enhanced against rival India. Pakistan will be connected with natural hubs through CPEC. The population of Tajikistan is 7.5 million and has an area of 143,100 km, which is a part of the Soviet Union. The border of this country is shared with Afghanistan, China, Kyrgyzstan as well as Uzbekistan. It is separated through the Makhan corridor from Pakistan in the area of Afghanistan. Pakistan will have easy access to Tajikistan with the development of CPEC. And the future of Pakistan will be enhanced because people will come from other countries to get their jobs, tourism will be increased, and people will get job opportunities in Pakistan after learning the Chinese language. Nowadays, people are more concerned with the Chinese language than English. In this way, it plays the role of a language barrier in Pakistan. In this way, the culture of Pakistan will be enhanced with economic development through this project.

     The transmit of CPEC will attach people to people's national as well as linguistic alteration among China as well as Pakistan. Chinese evolving financial involvement in Pakistan will additionally control Pakistan communal as well as national exists. From end to end CPEC, Pakistan knows how to upsurge its new lenient copy not straight in the area, but the world. Pakistan meaningfully uses its self-governing as well as Islamic standards with provincial states. The Chinese philological can be abridged English education as well as a consequence in a deficiency of new as well as advanced education standard. Islamic culture, as well as standards, can deliver Pakistan to extra neighboring relatives with local Muslim states. On the one hand, Pakistan is growing its relatives with China, which variations Pakistan’s foreign strategies from the USA to China. On the additional side, Pakistan is fronting dominion of the collectivist nation as well as values on independent as well as Islamic values. As existence an economic center and Gwadar port strategic location, Pakistan will have the chance to use its smart power strategies in the area. Through Gwadar port, Pakistan can find more Islamic union relatives with numerous local Muslim countries, as well as this location approval Pakistan to resolve other regional Muslim conditions rivalries, like Iran as well as Saudi Arabia. Pakistan’s import position also inspires India to decrease battles with Pakistan as well as go onward for economic collaboration. Pakistan retains an additional new populace. Unfluctuating, however, Pakistan has a fresh populace, but the common are fewer competent as well as untrained. On one side, this population asset can be valuable for Pakistan’s economy as well as the military over impending new chances of occupations on the stage of CPEC. But the side, this power can mark overload on Pakistan’s cheap. Though, megs savings understood in CPEC plans, the billions of cash will be reappearance to China with attention in the designated time era. China’s responsibility trick is sighted as the main apprehension in CPEC connected reserves.

    This paper may be noteworthy for significant more mutual relationships in this perception of CPEC as a natural gate for China and Pakistan. Moreover, it will be in developing countries with deep relation of friendship. There are future implications of cultural impacts of CPEC on china and Pakistan, such as:

    Future Implications

    The smooth construction of this project can be delayed because of the negligence of the government and it can provide an opportunity to the activists as well as terrorists.

    Security should be provided for foreign workers for different works of the project by the government.

    Full care, as well as help, should be provided to foreign workers for different works of CPEC.

    This multi-dollar project should be discussed by the government with other provinces.

    The full detail of this project should be addressed with all political parties of other provinces.

    For a peaceful environment in the country, cultural development, as well as commercial developments other provinces as well as government, should work collaboratively.

    For mutual advantage, all parties should be united and discuss their issues in politics.

    Intended for the implementation of the China-Pakistan economic corridor, all parties would be expressed fully to support this project.


    The research emphasized the advantages as well as cultural impacts of CPEC on china and Pakistan with its future implications. It played the role of a game-changer and a growing tree for both countries. The spark of hope is being transformed not only for Pakistan but also for china with other countries like Iran, Afghanistan as well as Turkey who desire to join the project. Both countries should be considered it like international vision apart from financial benefits. In this regard, serious steps should be taken by Pakistan to promote their culture from all aspects. A stable, as well as a peaceful economic region can be stabled from an unstable economic situation. And it can increase both countries with the development through minor influences inventing from Kashmir as well as Punjab. So, it can be said that CPEC will promote the culture of both countries from every aspect, in this way, the future of both countries will be excellent with its development.


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    APA : Nisar, M., Ali, R. I., & Asif, M. (2021). Future Implications of CPEC: A Descriptive Analysis of Cultural Impact of China- Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Pakistan and Chinese Culture. Global Political Review, VI(I), 208-215. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).20
    CHICAGO : Nisar, Maria, Rana Imran Ali, and Muhammad Asif. 2021. "Future Implications of CPEC: A Descriptive Analysis of Cultural Impact of China- Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Pakistan and Chinese Culture." Global Political Review, VI (I): 208-215 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).20
    HARVARD : NISAR, M., ALI, R. I. & ASIF, M. 2021. Future Implications of CPEC: A Descriptive Analysis of Cultural Impact of China- Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Pakistan and Chinese Culture. Global Political Review, VI, 208-215.
    MHRA : Nisar, Maria, Rana Imran Ali, and Muhammad Asif. 2021. "Future Implications of CPEC: A Descriptive Analysis of Cultural Impact of China- Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Pakistan and Chinese Culture." Global Political Review, VI: 208-215
    MLA : Nisar, Maria, Rana Imran Ali, and Muhammad Asif. "Future Implications of CPEC: A Descriptive Analysis of Cultural Impact of China- Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Pakistan and Chinese Culture." Global Political Review, VI.I (2021): 208-215 Print.
    OXFORD : Nisar, Maria, Ali, Rana Imran, and Asif, Muhammad (2021), "Future Implications of CPEC: A Descriptive Analysis of Cultural Impact of China- Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Pakistan and Chinese Culture", Global Political Review, VI (I), 208-215
    TURABIAN : Nisar, Maria, Rana Imran Ali, and Muhammad Asif. "Future Implications of CPEC: A Descriptive Analysis of Cultural Impact of China- Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Pakistan and Chinese Culture." Global Political Review VI, no. I (2021): 208-215. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).20