The notion of change in the political institution is associated with multifarious factors. In the current scenario, modernization is one of the foremost factors which transformed the diverse aspects of political institution. This paper is an attempt to shed light on the impact of modernization on the political institution. The quantitative research strategy has been adopted in this research. The data was collected (n=250) from seven tehsils of district Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The univariate analysis, descriptive statistics and agreement indices were used. Diverse aspects have been explored in this research like political participation of growing middle-class people, awareness of common masses regarding the importance of the vote and their access to the elected representatives, voter behavior, turnout ratio, political accountability, electoral reforms, governance, youth and gender-based political participation and access of common masses to the political leaders. The study results revealed significant impacts of modernization on political institution.
Chang, Masses, Modernization, Political, Social
The concept of modernization took a vital lead from the Western thought concerning classical concern having the notions of political, social and economic transformations. Nisbet (1966) in his classical inquiry of the sociological approach found the stimulation of the renowned social theorists of the 19th and the early 20th century to the clashes between modernism and traditionalism in the culture of Europe. Different investigations, having multifarious aspects, confirmed the fact that the notions of modernization are noticeable, in specific, in the works of D. Bell (2004), sociologists M. Weber (2013), Z. Bauman (2005), P. Inglehart (2005, 2008), H. Weltsel, economist V. Rostow (1991), political scientist S. Lipset (1959, 1960), and others. Modernization is not just a course of alteration, nonetheless one which is distinct about aims and objectives toward which it is going. When it comes to modernization, the daily knowledge which offers the foundation for the idea and the alike connotations it arouses, might be found in the cognizance so the social environment of people has witnessed a wide range of alterations in current eras, containing the upswing of the country and massive political involvement, the fast growth of human awareness, urbanization, growing secularization of cultures, industrialization, bureaucratization, and that these numerous alterations have been unevenly disseminated amongst humanities (Dean, 1973).
Besides sociologists and economists, political scientists also added considerably to modernization theory. At the earlier stages of the modernization approach, an edited volume written by Almond and Coleman (1960) covering the politics of the developing areas is considered as one of the most significant contributions. The preliminary section of the said volume consists of the functions associated with the structures in political systems in every society irrespective of the degree, scale of variation and culture (Almond, 1960). The categories based on their functions as mentioned by Almond (1960) comprised of four input roles (political socialization & recruitment, aggregation of interest, articulation of interest, and political communiqué) and three resultant roles i.e. creation of rule, implementation of rule, and settlement of rule. Based on this approach of political modernization, it states that a solitary political structure like a legislature, a ruler, or a bureaucracy may do various functions. Hitherto, the approach maintains that modern political systems are based on the characteristic of specialization or differentiation, inferring that political structures are often seen to do a solitary function (Almond, 1960).
Welzel and Inglehart (2008) revealed in their studies the association between modernization processes and democracy. Usually, every state has its model: a blend of elements of modernization processes, and thus the matter what is basic: social and political or technological and economic modernization remains open. Kasych (2016) and Tarasenko (2009) examined the concept of modernization Japanese society wherein they see modernization as a mechanism of concerning two equally vital tendencies of alteration: industrialization and democratization. Other studies suggest that modernization becomes a change, or somewhat a chain of changes from primitive and subsistence economies toward technologically concentrated, industrialized one; from a closed status systems based on ascription to open based on achieved oriented systems; from subject to participant political cultures; from sacred to irreligious philosophies; from extended kinship units to nuclear systems; and so on (cf. Lerner, 1958; Black, 1966; and Eisenstadt, 1966; Smelser, 1967; Huntington, 1968a,).
Methodological Approach
The present study titled “Investigating Link between Modernization and the Dynamics of Political Institution: Quantitative Evidence from Pakistan" was directed under the frame of quantitative research so that to save time and resources (Bryman, 2001) based on clear guidelines and objectives (Lichtman, 2013). The locale of the study was limited to seven tehsils of northern district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Swat) Pakistan. The requisite information/data was obtained from the respondents having different backgrounds. The information was obtained through non-probability sampling procedure. It is almost impossible to cove the whole population during data gathering (Swanson and Holton, 2005). In this regard, in light of the procedure outlined by Roscoe (1975), a sample size comprised of 250 potential respondents was chosen from universe of the study wherein 50 respondents were selected from each stratum i.e. lawyers, intellectuals, politicians, literary persons, and community elders.
A comprehensive research instrument (a questionnaire based on five-point Likert scale) was designed by the researchers to get relevant data on the topic. For ensuring the order and logical depth of the questions, a pilot survey was conducted which is considered as a significant and important aspect of the research (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009; Hume & Mort, 2010). Upon conducting the pilot survey, the irrelevant questions were removed, and the questions of immense importance were added accordingly. After this phase, reliability of the research instrument was tested for the measurement (Bajpai, 2011) and the Cronbach’s alpha (?) which is extensively used and most suggested measure of reliability (Cronbach's 1951; Nunnally, 1978; Mugenda and Mugenda, 2013) was run whereas the value of Cronbach's alpha (?) detected as 0.82 which is good enough concerning reliability (Halin, 2018). The researchers followed the required ethical prerequisites during the collection of the data as outlined by social scientists (Hopkins, 1999; Robson, 2002; Berg, 2007; Creswell, 2009; Cohen, 2011; Bryman, 2012; Berg and Howard, 2012; Maxwell, 2013).
The IBM (2014) Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS latest version) is a kind of statistical software which facilitates social scientists in multifarious ways (Crossman, 2014; Bala, 2016) whereas spreadsheets rarely provides such ease to the researchers (Robbins, 2012). After the data collection process, the data was passed through codification and subsequently entered into SPSS (version-22). The SPSS was used for the analyses of the collected data and the results were drawn in the form of univariate analysis (n=f/N * 100 by Kothari, 2004), descriptive statistics, and agreement indices as pert the analogy of Miah (1993). Besides, the researchers tried their level best to meet all requirements of ethical considerations while carrying out this research activity as suggested by Hoyle, Harris, & Judd (2002); Larsen, Flesaker, & Stege (2008); Fouka & Mantzorou (2011); and Creswell (2014).
Results and Discussion
The results and discussion section comprise of the univariate analysis followed by descriptive statistics and agreement indices respectively. The details are stated below.
Univariate Analysis
The univariate analysis comprised of the frequency distribution in the form of the table along with its respective explanation(s) coupled with agreement indices.
Table1. Frequency Distribution along with Agreement Indices of the Impacts of Modernization on Political Institution
S. N |
/ Attributes |
Frequencies & Percentages along with
Agreement Indices (AI) Responses |
SA |
A |
N |
D |
AI |
1 |
The democratic system in
Pakistan is more strengthened as compared to the past. |
99(39.6) |
97(38.8) |
27(10.8) |
10(4) |
17(6.8) |
1.004 |
2 |
Nowadays, growing middle-class people begins to
participate more in politics. |
76(30.4) |
112(44.8) |
39(15.6) |
12(4.8) |
11(4.4) |
0.92 |
3 |
Increase in participation of
women as candidates as compared to the past. |
88(35.2) |
125(50) |
22(8.8) |
11(4.4) |
4(1.6) |
1.128 |
4 |
Awareness of common masses
regarding the importance of vote has increased. |
94(37.6) |
99(39.6) |
33(13.2) |
13(5.2) |
11(4.4) |
1.008 |
5 |
Opportunities for access of
common masses to the elected representatives have increased. |
66(26.4) |
131(52.4) |
30(12) |
10(4) |
13(5.2) |
0.908 |
6 |
Positive changes have
occurred in voter behaviour. |
75(30) |
111(44.4) |
33(13.2) |
16(6.4) |
15(6) |
0.86 |
7 |
Turnout ratio has increased
been elections. |
61(24.4) |
112(44.8) |
44(17.6) |
23(9.2) |
10(4) |
0.764 |
8 |
Politicians are now held accountable/answerable
before common people/masses. |
49(19.6) |
115(46) |
53(21.2) |
16(6.4) |
17(6.8) |
0.652 |
9 |
Due attention is given to
electoral reforms. |
56(22.4) |
121(48.4) |
41(16.4) |
21(8.4) |
12(4.8) |
0.728 |
10 |
The ratio of good governance
is positively increased. |
56(22.4) |
117(46.8) |
37(14.8) |
28(11.2) |
12(4.8) |
0.708 |
11 |
Modernization leads to an
increase in the participation of women in vote casting. |
78(31.2) |
126(50.4) |
17(6.8) |
20(8) |
9(3.6) |
0.976 |
12 |
Modernization leads to
variations in choices regarding opting for a political party. |
53(21.2) |
128(51.2) |
48(19.2) |
11(4.4) |
10(4) |
0.812 |
13 |
Modernization encourages
youth for participation in politics. |
94(37.6) |
94(37.6) |
36(14.4) |
16(6.4) |
10(4) |
0.984 |
14 |
Modernization leads to an
increase In access of common masses to the political leaders. |
61(24.4) |
132(52.8) |
28(11.2) |
18(7.2) |
11(4.4) |
0.856 |
15 |
Modernization resulted in
bringing change in the mode of election campaigns. |
87(34.8) |
111(44.4) |
32(12.8) |
8(3.2) |
12(4.8) |
1.012 |
Source: Field survey, 2018.
Values within the parentheses at Table-1 reflects the percentage whereas SA
denotes Strongly Agree; A stands for Agree; N denotes Neutral; D stands for
Disagree and SDA denote Strongly Disagree whereas AI stands for Agreement
Table No.1 exhibits the frequency distributions of the impact of modernization on the political institution. The results of the frequency distribution of each statement/attribute of the above-mentioned variable are stated in the upcoming lines. While discussing a statement that democratic system in Pakistan is more strengthened as compared to the past, majority of the study respondents (39.6 per cent, n = 99) opined as strongly agreed, while 38.8 percent (n = 97) were noticed as agreed with the stated notion, whereas 10.8 per cent (n = 27) respondents responded as neutral with the statement, while 4 percent (n = 10) respondents disagreed and 6.8 percent (n = 17) marked strongly disagreed to the question that democratic system in Pakistan is more strengthened as compared to the past. Moreover, the value (AI = 1.004) of agreement indices shows agreement upon the aforesaid statement. When respondents were asked regarding the question that nowadays, growing middle-class people begins to participate more in politics, a huge number of the respondents (30.4 percent, n = 76) strongly agreed, while majority (44.8 per cent, n = 112) of the study respondents agreed to the stated question, whereas 15.6 percent (n = 39) responded as neutral though, 4.8 per cent (n = 12) refuted the question and 4.4 percent (n = 11) were noticed as strongly disagreed to the notion that nowadays, growing middle-class people begins to participate more in politics. Besides, the calculated value (AI = 0.92) of agreement indices displays agreement upon the aforementioned statement.
Furthermore, answering the question about whether participation of women as candidates (Counselors, MPA, MNA Senator etc.) has been increasing as compared to the past, a reasonable number of the sampled respondents (35.2 percent, n = 88) strongly agreed with the aforesaid question, while majority (50 percent, n = 125) respondents agreed with the stated question, 8.8 percent (n = 22) responded as neutral, 4.4 percent (n = 11) of the study respondents disagreed with the question and 1.6 percent (n = 4) of the study respondents answered strongly disagreed with the indicated question. Additionally, the value (AI = 1.128) of agreement indices indicates agreement upon the above-mentioned statement. Next, the study respondents (37.6 percent, n = 94) reported as strongly agreed to the question that awareness of common masses regarding the importance of vote has increased, while the majority (39.6 percent, n = 99) of the respondents agreed with the statement, whereas 13.2 percent (n = 33) responded as neutral, while 5.2 percent (n = 13) negated with the statement and 4.4 percent (n = 11) respondents strongly disagreed with the notion that awareness of common masses regarding the importance of vote has increased. Likewise, the value (AI = 1.008) of agreement indices depicted agreement upon the said statement. Answering a statement, 26.4 percent (n = 66) respondents strongly agreed with the nation that opportunities of access of common masses to the elected representatives have increased, while the majority of the respondents (52.4 per cent, n = 131) agreed with the statement followed by 12 per cent (n = 30) reported as neutral, whereas 4 percent (n = 10) respondents disagreed and 5.2 percent (n = 13) were noticed as strongly disagreed with the question that opportunities of access of common masses to the elected representatives have increased. Furthermore, the calculated value (AI = 0.908) of agreement indices illustrates agreement upon the abovementioned statement.
Likewise, when the respondents were asked whether positive changes have occurred in voter behaviour, a large number of respondents (30 percent, n = 75) strongly agreed with the stated question, however, majority of the study respondents (44.4 percent, n = 111) agreed to the statement, while 13.2 percent (n = 33) responded as neutral, whereas 6.4 percent (n = 16) disagreed and 6 percent (n = 15) strongly disagreed with the statement that positive changes have occurred in voter behaviour. Also, the value (AI = 0.86) of agreement indices portrayed agreement upon the aforesaid statement. As for whether the turnout ratio in elections has been increased, a sensible number of respondents (24.4 per cent, n = 61) strongly agreed with the stated question, while the majority being 44.8 per cent (n = 112) agreed with the stated nation, while 17.6 percent (n = 44) respondents marked as neutral followed by 9.2 percent (n = 23) disagreed with the statement and 4 percent (n = 10) strongly disagreed to the question that turnout ratio in elections has been increased. Likewise, the calculated value (AI = 0.764) of agreement indices revealed agreement upon the above-mentioned statement.
Moreover, asking about a statement concerning whether politicians are now held accountable/answerable before common people/masses, a large sum of the respondents (19.6 per cent, n = 49) strongly agreed with the stated question, majority of them (46 percent, n = 115) agreed to the statement, while 21.2 per cent (n = 53) respondents opined as neutral, whereas 6.4 percent (n = 16) respondents disagreed with the statement and 6.8 percent (n = 17) strongly disagreed to the notion that politicians are now held accountable/answerable before common people/masses. Additionally, the value (AI = 0.652) of agreement indices shows agreement upon the said statement. Besides, as to a statement concerning whether due attention is given to electoral reforms, a large number (22.4 per cent, n = 56) of respondents strongly approved the statement, while majority (48.4 percent, n = 121) respondents agreed to the question, while 16.4 per cent (n = 41) marked as neutral, whereas 8.4 percent (n = 21) respondents agreed and 4.8 percent (n-=12) strongly disapproved the statement that due attention is given to electoral reforms. Besides, the value (AI = 0.728) of agreement indices displays agreement upon the aforementioned statement.
Similarly, responding to a question that the ratio of good governance is positively increased, a large number of respondents (22.4 percent, n = 56) strongly agreed with the stated question, while 46.8 percent (n = 117) agreed, though 14.8 per cent (n = 37) responded as neutral, whereas 11.2 per cent (n = 28) disagreed with the statement and only 4.8 per cent (n = 12) respondents strongly disagreed to the stated notion. Furthermore, the value (AI = 0.708) of agreement indices illustrates agreement upon the said statement. In response to a question regarding a statement that modernization leads to increase in participation of women in vote casting, a high sum i.e. 31.2 per cent (n = 78) were noticed as strongly agreed, while the majority (50.4 per cent, n = 126) of respondents agreed to the aforesaid notion, whereas 6.8 percent (n = 17) replied as neutral, 8 percent (n = 20) respondents disagreed and only 3.6 percent (n = 9) were noticed as strongly disagreed. Also, the value (AI = 0.976) of agreement indices expresses agreement upon the abovementioned statement.
Following, an appropriate number of respondents (21.2 per cent, n = 53) strongly agreed with the notion that modernization leads to variations in choices regarding opting for a political party, while a good number of the respondents (51.2 percent, n = 128) were noticed as agreed, whereas 19.2 per cent (n = 48) answered as neutral, 4.4 percent (n = 11) respondents disagreed and only 4 per cent (n = 10) opined as strongly disagreed with the aforementioned question. Moreover, the value (AI = 0.812) of agreement indices shows agreement upon the aforesaid statement. Likewise, the respondents were asked that whether modernization encourages youth for participation in politics, majority of the respondents (37.6 percent, n = 94) strongly agreed, while 37.6 per cent, n = 94) respondents agreed with the stated question, while 14.4 percent (n = 36) responded as neutral, whereas 6.4 percent (n = 16) respondents disagreed and only 4 per cent (n = 10) strongly disagreed with the aforesaid question. Besides, the value (AI = 0.984) of agreement indices demonstrates agreement upon the said statement.
Consequent upon the question asked from the respondents that whether modernization leads to increase in access of common masses to the political leaders, 24.4 percent (n = 61) respondents strongly agreed, 52.8 percent (n = 132) agreed, while 11.2 percent (n = 28) responded as neutral, whereas 7.2 percent (n = 18) respondents disagreed with the notion and only 4.4 per cent (n = 11) were noticed as strongly disagreed with the statement. Moreover, the value (AI = 0.856) of agreement indices reflects agreement upon the above-mentioned statement. Also, 34.8 percent (n = 87) responded as strongly agree with the statement that modernization resulted in bringing change in the mode of election campaigns, wherein 44.4 percent (n = 111) found agreed, 12.8 per cent (n = 32) responded as neutral, 3.2 percent (n = 8) respondents disagreed with the statement and 4.8 percent (n = 12) were noticed as strongly disagreed with the aforementioned question. Likewise, the calculated value (AI = 1.012) of agreement indices confirms agreement upon the said statement.
Descriptive Statistics, Reliability Analysis and Consolidated Agreement Indices
In this study, the researchers probed the standard deviation (mean, and standard deviation) and Cronbach's Alpha from the study variables. The consolidated descriptive statistics results and values of Cronbach's Alpha of the political institution are stated as follows.
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics and Reliability Analysis
Study Variable |
of Items |
(S.D) |
Alpha |
Political Institution |
15 |
(1.5622) |
0.82 |
Source: Field survey, 2018
The above table No.2 represents the mean, standard deviation and Cronbach's Alpha value of 15 items in the study variable (political institution). It is portrayed from the aforementioned table that mean value of the political institution is 3.9677 with a standard deviation of 1.5622 which represents that record number of the study respondents were ‘agreed’ with the idea that modernization has affected political institution. The value Cronbach's Alpha is 0.82 which indicates that there is the internal consistency of the scale items.
Table 3. Respondents’ Agreement on Impact of Modernization on Political Institution
Agreement |
Responses |
Value |
Disagree |
173 |
Disagree |
233 |
Neutral |
520 |
Agree |
1731 |
Agree |
1093 |
Total |
3750 |
Source: Field survey, 2018
No-3 indicates the results of agreement responses of the sample respondents to
the notion of whether modernization has affected political institution? In the
study survey, the proposition that was put to the respondents "Impact of
modernization on the political institution". The respondents were asked to
respond whether they agreed to it or not, according to the five points Likert
getting the responses of the sampled respondents, the index value is calculated
value of the agreement index is 0.89 (I>0) meaning modernization has
affected political institution.
The debate of political modernization based on the study findings revealed that modernization has brought numerous changes in the political institution in Pakistani society particularly in the study locale. It was noticed that modernization paved the way for strengthening the democratic system in the country. It provided opportunities to the growing middle-class people for active participation in politics. In the context of gender-based participation in the political sphere, modernization encouraged females to take part in political affairs both at vote casting and competing as candidates during elections. Apart from other reasons, the shift in gender-based political participation could be associated with the increased awareness level in the common masses. That's why common masses, unlike the past, are now in a better position to get access to the elected representatives and hold them accountable for their deeds as political representatives. Similarly, the turnout ratio has increased. On the other hand, due attention is given to electoral reforms coupled with the ratio of good governance which is positively increased. Besides, modernization broadened the mental horizon and choices of the people regarding opting for a political party. Due to modernization, the undercut role of the youth has now become visible and they are now actively playing their due role in the political arena with astonishing commitment and confidence. In nutshell, it has been perceived that modernization altered the overall aspects of political institution.
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Cite this article
APA : Imran., Khattak, M. K., & Ullah, A. (2018). Investigating Link between Modernization and the Dynamics of Political Institution: Quantitative Evidence from Pakistan. Global Political Review, III(I), 129-137. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2018(III-I).14
CHICAGO : Imran, , Mamoon Khan Khattak, and Azad Ullah. 2018. "Investigating Link between Modernization and the Dynamics of Political Institution: Quantitative Evidence from Pakistan." Global Political Review, III (I): 129-137 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2018(III-I).14
HARVARD : IMRAN., KHATTAK, M. K. & ULLAH, A. 2018. Investigating Link between Modernization and the Dynamics of Political Institution: Quantitative Evidence from Pakistan. Global Political Review, III, 129-137.
MHRA : Imran, , Mamoon Khan Khattak, and Azad Ullah. 2018. "Investigating Link between Modernization and the Dynamics of Political Institution: Quantitative Evidence from Pakistan." Global Political Review, III: 129-137
MLA : Imran, , Mamoon Khan Khattak, and Azad Ullah. "Investigating Link between Modernization and the Dynamics of Political Institution: Quantitative Evidence from Pakistan." Global Political Review, III.I (2018): 129-137 Print.
OXFORD : Imran, , Khattak, Mamoon Khan, and Ullah, Azad (2018), "Investigating Link between Modernization and the Dynamics of Political Institution: Quantitative Evidence from Pakistan", Global Political Review, III (I), 129-137
TURABIAN : Imran, , Mamoon Khan Khattak, and Azad Ullah. "Investigating Link between Modernization and the Dynamics of Political Institution: Quantitative Evidence from Pakistan." Global Political Review III, no. I (2018): 129-137. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2018(III-I).14