The deceptively simple question remains unquestioned as "what news values are there particularly for social media?" As we implement the future of News writing in the hand of digital age, news values need to be identified and questioned. This article examines the main features of news values of social media specifically of Twitter which is no doubt the rapid source of news dissemination. This study explores the extent to which Harcup and O'Neill's given news values for journalism and how they faced by social media platforms. Evaluation by researchers shows that major chunk was "Relevancy" While dominant geographical proximity found to be mainly adopted by twitter account holders. Whereas, the least one unsurprisingly "Entertainment" which literally prove that Twitter is habitually used for hard news rather than soft news.
News values, Social Media, Twitter, and Newsworthiness.
The news values and news are intertwined. The study of news values has an extensive and successful record in journalism research because this news values/factors not only cover the news worthiness but also peripheral features that control journalism practices. The media including the print, electronic and social media has played a significant role in disseminating the news and informing the people about the happenings around the world, but at present the social media has got a prominent position as this media is easily accessible and now people can share news and events within no time using their latest information technology gadgets. The use of twitter has become very common as it is being used by people from almost all walks of life for sharing news and information. Twitter has made the news dissemination much easier as people are not dependent enough on the other mediums of information.
Mangold and Faulds (2009) disputed that “The modernized world is views, blast of Internet-based communication spread via these new mediums. They have immense influence on diverse features of user actions like consciousness, information acquirement, beliefs, mind-sets, buying behavior, and post-purchase message and assessment” (Mangold & Faulds, 2009, p.358).
To decide what information or news is and what is not news the professionals intentionally and instinctively utilize a set of range standard, which assist them to review the newsworthiness of an incident. The emerging of social media platforms like Twitter has confrontation with traditional media and process of journalism in many ways especially in news publishing, the social media has changed the information utilization routine of traditional media's reader. As Jones (2013), reported that in September 2013 around 500 million tweets are daily posted on Twitter (Jones, 2013).
Rising Value of Social Media Versus Traditional Media
The world is now the Internet rural community and Social media gateway has busted the terrestrial limits of local news. Online media has not the same characteristics as traditional media as Deuze (1999) said that internet has produced its individual class of journalism that is the forth sort of journalism, online journalism. This is not the same in characteristics and features like traditional media (Deuze, 1999). The traditional and social media both have got prominent position at present but social media particularly use of twitter has become common these days. The politicians, celebrities as well as layman all are using the said forum for different purposes.
Whereas news of social media may be criticizing and oppose but they never be neglected their influence on individuals as far as traditional media. In current situation of digital age, journalists and news promoters have to realize how to connect social sites like Twitter and Facebook to distribute information and meet up more audiences not only for breaking news but also as headlines manifesting people support to journalist's content (Kwak, Lee, Park, & Moon, 2010; Messner, Linke, & Eford, 2011). The social media no doubt has played an integral role in making people familiar with the latest developments and happenings across the globe without the territorial limits as the social media has engaged the people across the globe by the multiple social media applications as at present there are YouTube, Facebook, twitter, linked in and many more. These applications have connected the people globally (Bastos, 2014)
Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) described that what is actually the online media and what features distinguish the diverse types of social media moreover how institutions be able to utilize these online new sites (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010, p. 59). The characteristics which differentiate the online media from other media are unlimited skills to collect news, speedy informing, basically patchy length of stories, use of shared comprehensive factors and straight reference of voice and video. Mainly such as multimediality, hypetextuality and interactivity make online journalism functionally different from publish journalism. Moreover, online media has influenced the ways print media present news (Paterson & Domingo 2008; Pavlik, 2001; Prasad, 2009; Quinn, 2005; Royal, 2008; Thurman & Lupton, 2008; Van der Wurff & Lauf, 2005).
Online media no doubt change the way the traditional media present news because there is latest technology which not only influences the process of news dissemination but also in news selection as Domingo and Karlsson believed that the progress of new media and online reporting has also recommended the possible significance of new media tools which decided that what becomes news. Study on online journalism points out that user contribution in news production has now more essential (Domingo et al., 2008; Karlsson, 2011). Pew research center verified that The Web has fully advanced the news setting because of this major advancement in print media and electronic media and enhance the second source of news in the US, after television (Pew Research Center, 2012).
The media is bridging the people from one part of the world with other parts, the media including the print, electronic and social media has played a significant role in disseminating the news and informing the people about the happenings around the world, but at present the social media has got a prominent position as this media is easily accessible and now people can share news and events within no time using their latest information technology gadgets. The use of twitter has become very common as it is being used by the people from almost all walks of life for sharing news and information. Twitter has made the news dissemination much easier as people are not dependent enough on the other mediums of information.
Social media is no doubt transformative forces that present new challenges to traditional media. People more and more rely on online news services to inform themselves of most recent updates. Reason to choose Twitter over other social media is that Twitter usually considered as hard new medium rather than YouTube, Facebook and Flicker as Phillips (2012) describes that in online and social media setting the hard news perhaps posted on Twitter while Facebook contains and control more traffic. Furthermore, journalists are always welcome the medium which permitted them to report breaking news Speedily and no doubt that in many cases Twitter and other social media are more immediate than the traditional media channels. The role of conventional news media is assisted via their news accounts on Twitter and no doubt that these news accounts are more dominant than conventional news media because of their rapid rise in the current situation. In 2015, 63 percent of Facebook and Twitter users believed that they utilized these social sites to find updates about any incidents and controversies. These values raised before two years from 52 percent on Twitter and 47 percent on Facebook (Barthel, Shearer, Gottfried, & Mitchell, 2015). Journalists also depend on Tweeter to access the top news stories as Kwak, Larsson and Moe stated that the media persons are amongst the twitter users and consequently access stories through their Twitter contact's sphere (Kwak et al., 2010; Larsson & Moe, 2011).
Twitter is actually transformation of old and traditional media because several researchers stated in their previous research on Twitter have discovered that the same people holding key positions in Titter who held strong participants of traditional media. They have their Twitter and Twitter practice and follow media happenings (An et al., 2011; De Longueville, Smith, & Luraschi 2009; Kwak et al., 2010; Shamma, Kennedy, & Churchill, 2010). Online news media is a vital source of news not only for public but also for journalists and news editors. They can utilize social and new media platforms like Twitter to distribute news and information.
Twitter has been exercised as a foundation of news proposal specifically by performance and particularly the characteristic of Twitter dig out through post-read community comments and reactions (Agarwal, Chen, & Wang, 2012; Morales, Gionis, & Lucchese, 2012; Phelan et al., 2011). In fact, 59% didn't post any news only tweet or retweet main or headlines (Pew Research Center, 2012).
Researchers selected this topic to explain following objectives
1. The major aim of the study is to discover which news values are considered most significant in the news service on social media
2. To examine the news value which needs to be implemented while disseminate news on Twitter.
Research Question
1. What is the main news values used in Twitter?
2. Are traditional news values disappear because of the social media?
We cannot even ignore online and social media in current situation. Today is the age of new media and new technology and journalists have to be up to date with all latest technology. The journalists and professionals cannot compete in modern society without online and social media; in short they must be multi skilled.
We specifically chose Twitter rather than Facebook because it presents an extraordinary chance to measure and investigate, how news produce interest by study that how many people restructure the same news story. As Bastos (2014) discovered in his investigation that Twitter is more valuable for hard news stuff whereas Facebook is a platform for soft news like trend, style and leisure (Bastos, 2014, p. 17).
Literature Review
Conceptual Clarifications
For better understanding of our discussion, we begin this section with conceptual clarifications.
Taxonomies of News values
News without values is maybe still news but can someone be alive without soul? Same as with the case of news values as news couldn't be worthiness without news values. It is noticed that their investigation didn't inform them why news values are essential for the central issue (p. 268) or necessarily need for newspaper writers when they write a news story for their newspaper. The ending point is, O’Neill and Harcup (2009) identified that news value's debate some time confusing the difference between news practicing and news selection. (p. 171). This was presented not ultimate word about news values but as an addition regarding representation of news selection a further visible and improved and reasonable practice (Harcup & Neill 2001, p. 279). Donsbach (2004) believed that news values do not have actually intention standards and essentially concerned with subjective opinions whereas Hall (1973) recommended that news values are actually the element of a theory that created the system of recognizing the world that favors and acceptable ( Hall, 1973 ). Moreover, news values are unpredictable phenomena as it varies from situation to situation and different scholars and researchers analyzed news construction, not only the analysis of content but also the analysis of photography via discourse and semiotic analysis.
Social media has affected the traditional media sources as well including the radio, television and the newspapers as people can get instant news regarding the events and happenings across the globe. Social media has become a source which has transformed the recent means of communication and now everyone maybe the journalist, reported or the media person as the mobile phone technology and the recent reforms in the information technology age has left deep effects on the entire scenario of news and information dissemination (Caple and Bednarek, 2016). The Harcup and O’Neill (2001) study approved that there is no comprehensible difference between news selection and news practicing and content analysis is also fail to clear this distinction and this is also additionally discovered by Caple and Bednarek (2016) in their study that presents an opposite discursive approach which defines how news values are created through different semiotic resources and performance (Caple & Bednarek, 2016). Dick’s also stated in his recent study regarding news values of info graphic that information through visualizations disputed the traditional news values (Dick 2014, p. 499). In the end, despite restrictions, Harchup and O'Neill believed new values are one of the significant part of journalism which not only clear what is selected but also why something is not selected (O’Neill & Harcup 2009, 162).
Newsworthiness in 21st century
The use of social and new media in 21st century is witness itself that there is a huge bluster of social media sites specifically Facebook, Twitter and YouTube etc. It has been found in numerous studies that twitter no doubt a significant source of news and when there is a need to driving traffic Facebook considered a dominant source. Jeong and Chyi (2014) stated that not only individual but news sources and news sites are also rapidly depending on the news and updates recommend by social media. They further said that the entire US newspapers which have routine circulation of above 100, 00 are exploited social media as an extra resource to dispense their online content (Jeong, & Chyi, 2014). News are never determined just on the base of news values, but there are also other factors that influence the news selection like the ownership of news organizations and specifically when we talk about social media there is prominence of individual interests that manipulate the actual news. As Herman and Chomsky affirm in their propaganda model in which one of the major news filter is the ownership of organizations.
Our aim is consequently in three fold: 1st is define the notion of news values on social media 2nd is studies the characteristics and frequency of news values present on Twitter and finally last but not the least investigate how traditional news value of O' Neill can be exploited and discover new trends of news values on Twitter.
Determinants of news and its selection
News values can be classified in several ways but in essence they determine that out of the ordinary. The increasing speed of online and social media sites as well as the emerging use of new features of multimedia can also change the news preference. Prior researches based on the aspects which identified the news as many of scholar would have the same opinion that News values play vital role in the procedure of news selection no doubt that further aspects also significant and prevail diverse normative concerns (Kovach & Rosenstiel, 2001; Stromback, 2005). Ultimately literature on news values shows that final purpose of news Values usually explain the reason to choose some event as piece of news as News values actually considered the decisive factor which defines whether something is news or not. Palmer, Westerstahl and Johansson, (1994, 2000) stated that News values have usually been described as set of standards which assist to verify that an event is probability as news (Palmer, 2000; Westerståhl & Johansson, 1994). According to prior studies regarding news value, it is concluded that news values considered the base of newsworthiness as Palmer (1998) stated that news values are the initial effort to give logical explanation of newsworthiness while Allan (1999) confirmed news values as modern study Whereas Tunstall (1970) give news values as exceptional credit to answer the most relevant question 'what is news' (Palmer, 1998, p. 378, Allan, 1999, p. 63; Tunstall, 1970, p. 20).
In short, all these researches ever since the first research of Galtung and Ruge in 1965, were investigated why some issues or events are covered as news, while theory of news values and process of investigation extensively vary (Caple & Bednarek, 2013). On the other hand, News values or criteria of news worthiness that determine what become news, although there may be difference between what traditional news value predictions about news and actually is, essential when news disseminate via social network platform like Twitter.
As literature determines that there are some other elements that influence news selection rather than just depend on news values. As many researchers stated that some other features like the type of news and matter of authority influence the news selection while profit-making stress is also influenced as they have their specific goals for their target audience.
The social media replicate a new attitude and way to people and journalists of social media as social media main focus is interactivity which is more important than agenda setting As Deuze (2000) stated via survey with online reporters, the (78%) journalists approved that online reporting suggests an additional value to other journalisms (Deuze, 2000). On the other side, type of news also influence news selection as hard and exclusive news has to be published but when journalists deal with soft news they consider news values seriously. Whereas there are some powerful journalists those have extra authority to publish a news as Kovach and Rosential (2010) claim that online journalism has diverse characteristics so the process of news selection also differs from traditional journalism (Kovach & Rosenstiel, 2010). The researchers stated that some other features like the type of news and matter of authority influence the news selection while profit-making stress is also influenced as they have their specific goals for their target audience prior to any natural traits of newsworthiness or significance (Niblock & Machin, 2007).
Analysis of selected content cannot tell us everything about journalism, of course, but it can tell us something. Most obviously, it can tell us what has been selected as news. This can be useful because it can help take our knowledge of what is news beyond the subjective and the area of what we may think we know into more systematic analysis of what has actually been selected. Scholarly explanations of news values such as that put forward by Harcup and Neill, 2001. Remarkably, the news values of social media remain significance study because what
Shows in such media is by definition the result of journalistic selection in a highly spirited market.
Table 1. News values and their definitions
Values |
Definitions |
The power elite |
Stories concerning powerful individuals, organizations or institutions |
Celebrity |
Stories concerning people who are already famous |
Entertainment |
Stories concerning sex, show-business, human
interest, animals and unfolding drama, or offering opportunities for humorous
treatment, entertaining photographs or witty headlines |
Surprise |
Stories with an element of surprise and/ or
Bad news |
Stories with negative
overtones such as conflict or tragedy |
Good news |
Stories with positive overtones such as rescues
and cures |
Magnitude |
Stories perceived as sufficiently significant
either in the numbers of people involved or in potential impact |
Relevance |
Stories about issues, groups and nations perceived
to be relevant to the audience |
Follow-ups |
Stories about subjects already in the news |
Media agenda |
Stories that set or fit the news organization's
own agenda |
The study
based on News values on social media and specifically the researchers selected
Twitter and the reason is that Twitter considered the more significant source
of news as compared to Facebook. According to Holt (2013) Twitter perhaps the
mostly well-known micro blogging medium and probably to have something like 200
million expected users who tweeted about 400-500 million per day (Holt,
2013).Whereas, Forbes (2013) marked Twitter as the top rising social platform
in the world (McCue, 2013).
In the time-period of two months (i.e. from 1st June to 20th July, 2017) all the selected Twitter accounts tweeted more than 500 tweets but randomly 218 selected tweets through API were found that such a study can in useful to revolve the basic question on credibility of Twitter and also as a basis for further debate and investigation about what does and what does not become a news on social media.
Table 2. News values frequency on Twitter.
News Values |
Frequency |
Power Elite (NV1) |
Total= 132 (60.5%) |
a) elite nation |
21 (9.6%) |
b) elite institutions |
43 (19.7%) |
c) elite persons |
68 (31.2%) |
Celebrity (NV2) |
Total= 134 (61.4%) |
a) leader |
53 (24.3%) |
b) prominent persons |
67 (30.7%) |
c) showbiz personalities |
3 (1.4%) |
d) sport stars |
11 (5.0%) |
Entertainment (NV3) |
Total= 39 (17.8%) |
a) pleasurable news |
13 (6.0%) |
b) entertaining photographs/video |
13 (6.0%) |
c) witty comical news |
13 (6.0%) |
Surprise (NV4) |
Total= 60 (27.5%) |
a) unexpected facts |
4 (1.8%) |
b) shocking news |
16 (7.3%) |
c) confusing or secreted news |
40 (18.3%) |
Bad news (NV5) |
Total= 97 (44.4%) |
a) conflicts and tragedy |
36 (16.5%) |
b) devastation and deaths |
16 (7.3%) |
c) scandals |
45 (20.6%) |
Good news (NV6) |
Total= 49 (22.4%) |
a) positive news |
15 (6.9%) |
b) development and progress |
11(5.0%) |
c) relief and prosperity |
23 (10.6%) |
Magnitude (NV7) |
Total= 164 (75.2%) |
a) influence for many |
104 (47.7%) |
b) great consequences |
60 (27.5%) |
Relevance (NV8) |
Total= 189 (86.6%) |
a) geographical proximity |
162 (74.3%) |
b) cultural proximity |
27 (12.4%) |
Follow ups (NV9) |
Total= 168 (77.0%) |
a)support previous news story |
137(62.8%) |
b) provide additional information |
31(14.2%) |
Media agenda (NV10) |
Total= 112 (51.3%) |
a) institutional/party agenda |
11 (5.0%) |
b) personal agenda |
101 (46.3%) |
in tweets, this was observed that all the selected accounts on twitter, tweeted
more tweets under geographical proximity 162 (74.3%). It is relevant to mention
that; relevancy became more adopted news value on Twitter. The highest number
of tweets was regarding relevancy 189 (86.6%) as compared to follow up 168
(77.0%) while Magnitude 164 (75.2%) also was a major chunk of overall presented
on selected tweets. Whereas results also exposed that tweets about Power Elite
were 60.5% and Celebrity were 61.4% which were approximately equally found.
Furthermore, study revealed that on twitter users more focused is the agenda
specifically their personal agenda 101 (46.3%) was more prominent as compared
to party agenda. The Surprise 27.5% and Good news 22.4% were disclosed around
in close proximity. Predictably, Entertainment 39 (17.8%) was the least one
which showed that Twitter is a platform of hard news rather than soft news as
Bad news also 97 (44.4%) in which most
were about scandals approximately 50 % out of total.
Newsworthiness is essential through which we determine how prominently the story had been covered while news value's description being not predetermined. Many models of news values have been represents but they are not fixed they can change time to time and as different forms of news media come into existence. The idea of news values can assist us to recognize the system in which some incidents become familiar as ‘events’ and the ways that some of those ‘events’ are then selected to become ‘news’. The study examined the news values on Twitter and concluded that major chunk was relevancy while dominant geographical proximity found to be mainly adopted by twitter account holders. Whereas the least one unsurprisingly Entertainment and this can be resulted due to API restrictions as it didn't fetch photographs and videos regarding entertaining characteristics.
News values also facilitate us to discover the technique in which essentials of the chosen ‘events’ will be highlight at the same time as others will be disqualified. While discussion of news values sometimes smudges differences between news choice and news dealing.
There is need to explain the difference between reason to choose an event as news and news values as both phenomena considered interrelated In this regard, Bedanrek and Caple (2014) sort out this compound connection to resolve the issue of complex question “what and why a particular event/issue is considered as news (Bedanrek & Caple, 2014, p. 139). To conclude, the researchers suggest that there is need to work on social media news value as they could be different from traditional media values as observed that on twitter the newsworthiness on twitter can be determined through some other important factors like hashtags #, number of viewers, retweeted, clicking and pins on content. Many Researchers believed, the news dealing and news selection hold pressure and influence of clicking and sharing in case of online news (Thurman & Myllylahti, 2009; Phillips, 2012; Bell, 2015). So the medium and by what means news will be selected also important.
Moreover, Twitter accounts holders run their accounts individually. News values finish up being integrated by experts and professionals because news values are progressive and vital, which can be changed within time and feature of medium.
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APA : Yousaf, Z., Khan, R. u. A., & Adnan, M. (2019). News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter. Global Political Review, IV(IV), 78-87. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-IV).09
CHICAGO : Yousaf, Zahid, Rooh ul Amin Khan, and Malik Adnan. 2019. "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter." Global Political Review, IV (IV): 78-87 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-IV).09
HARVARD : YOUSAF, Z., KHAN, R. U. A. & ADNAN, M. 2019. News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter. Global Political Review, IV, 78-87.
MHRA : Yousaf, Zahid, Rooh ul Amin Khan, and Malik Adnan. 2019. "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter." Global Political Review, IV: 78-87
MLA : Yousaf, Zahid, Rooh ul Amin Khan, and Malik Adnan. "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter." Global Political Review, IV.IV (2019): 78-87 Print.
OXFORD : Yousaf, Zahid, Khan, Rooh ul Amin, and Adnan, Malik (2019), "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter", Global Political Review, IV (IV), 78-87
TURABIAN : Yousaf, Zahid, Rooh ul Amin Khan, and Malik Adnan. "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter." Global Political Review IV, no. IV (2019): 78-87. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-IV).09