Authored by : Azhar Mahmood Abbasi , Muhammad Shoaib Malik , Asifa Zafar

18 Pages : 184-192


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  • Singh, B. (2006). Politics of Identities: Global, South Asian and Indian Perspective. Source: The Indian Journal of Political Science, APR.- JUNE, 2006, 67(2) (APR.- JUNE, 2006)pp. 205-220
  • Soherwordi, S. H., S. & Khattak, S. A. (2014). Creation of New Provinces in Pakistan and its implication for an integrated country, J.R.S.P.51.January-June, pp. 139-155
  • Vira, B. (2008). Identity and Politics in Contemporary South Asia: Introduction to the British Association for South Asian Studies (London: Rutledge), pp. 389.
  • Waseem, M. (1996). Ethnic Conflict in Pakistan: The Case of MQM, The Pakistan Development Review 35(4) Part II) pp. 617.
  • Zulfqar, S. (2012). Politics of New Provinces in Pakistan, IPRI Journal 13(2).pp. 150.
  • Zulfqar, S. (2012). Politics of New Provinces in Pakistan, IPRI Journal 13(2), pp.146-152.
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3).5-9
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3), pp.16-17
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3), pp.175-188.
  • Azhar, Q. M. (2017). Hazara Province Movement.(Azhar Mahmood Abbasi, Interviewer) Abbottabad.
  • Babar, A. (2010). Renaming of NWFP:II, Daily Times, (27, 04,2010) 19.
  • Babar, A. (2010).Renaming of NWFP:II, Daily Times, (27, 04,2010) 19.
  • Chadda, M. (2002). Integration through Internal Reorganization: Containing Ethnic Conflict in India (William Paterson University, The Global Review of Ethno politics, 2 (1), pp. 1.
  • Chaudhary, K. (2008) Politics of Identities and Resources in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh: Ethno Nationalism and/or Indigenous Identity (Brill, Asian Journal of Social Science 36), pp. 69.
  • Chaudhary, K. (2008). Politics of Identities and Resources in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh: Ethno Nationalism and/or Indigenous Identity (Brill, Asian Journal of Social Science 36) pp.61.
  • Chaudhary, K. (2008). Politics of Identities and Resources in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh: Ethno Nationalism and/or Indigenous Identity (Brill, Asian Journal of Social Science 36), pp.62-65.
  • Chaudhary, K. (2008). Politics of Identities and Resources in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh: Ethno Nationalism and/or Indigenous Identity (Brill, Asian Journal of Social Science 36), pp. 65-66.
  • Chaudhary, K. (2008). Politics of Identities and Resources in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh: Ethno Nationalism and/or Indigenous Identity (Brill, Asian Journal of Social Science 36), pp. 70-74.
  • Chaudhary, K. (2008). Politics of Identities and Resources in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh: Ethno Nationalism and/or Indigenous Identity (Brill, Asian Journal of Social Science 36), pp. 75.
  • Cheema, I. K. (2006). A Study of Causes and Finding of Ethnic Conflicts in South Asia. NIHCR, Vol, XXVII, no, 1, pp. 97.
  • Cheema, I. K. (2006). A Study of Causes and Finding of Ethnic Conflicts in South Asia. NIHCR, Vol, XXVII, no, 1, pp.98.
  • Cheema, I. K. (2006). A Study of Causes and Finding of Ethnic Conflicts in South Asia. NIHCR, Vol, XXVII, no, 1, pp. 99-105.
  • Cheema, I.K. (2006). A Study of Causes and Finding of Ethnic Conflicts in South Asia. NIHCR, Vol, XXVII, no, 1, pp. 106.
  • Devota, N. (2000), Control Democracy, Institutional Decay, and the Quest for Eelam: Explaining Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka (Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia, 73(1), pp.58.
  • Kearney, N. R. (1985). Ethnic conflicts and Tamil Separatist Movement in Sri Lanka. Asian Survey, Vol, 25, No.9, pp, 898-917, University of California Press, pp.1.
  • Kearney, N. R. (1985). Ethnic conflicts and Tamil Separatist Movement in Sri Lanka. Asian Survey, 25, (9), 898-917, University of California Press, pp.1.
  • Khan, M. S. (2009). The Politics of identity, in Local Political Structure with Emphasis on the Role of Ethnic Groups (Islamabad: NIHCR) pp.147.
  • Khan, M. S. (2009). The Politics of identity, in Local Political Structure with Emphasis on the Role of Ethnic Groups (Islamabad: NIHCR) pp.151.
  • Khan, M.S. (2009). The Politics of identity, in Local Political Structure with Emphasis on the Role of Ethnic Groups (Islamabad: NIHCR), pp.148.
  • Khan, M.S. (2009). The Politics of identity, in Local Political Structure with Emphasis on the Role of Ethnic Groups (Islamabad: NIHCR), pp.169-70
  • Khan, M.S. (2009). The Politics of identity, in Local Political Structure with Emphasis on the Role of Ethnic Groups (Islamabad: NIHCR) pp.147.
  • Khan, M.S. (2009). The Politics of identity, in Local Political Structure with Emphasis on the Role of Ethnic Groups (Islamabad: NIHCR), pp.175.
  • King, R. D. (1997). Nehru and Language Politics in India (New Dehli: Oxford University Press, ) pp. 52
  • Priya, A. (2020). Identity Politics in South Asia, (Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar) p,1
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3), pp.175-188
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3),175-184.
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3), pp.183-184.
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3), pp.5.
  • Singh, B. (2006). Politics of Identities: Global, South Asian and Indian Perspective. Source: The Indian Journal of Political Science, APR.- JUNE, 2006, 67(2) (APR.- JUNE, 2006)pp. 205-220
  • Soherwordi, S. H., S. & Khattak, S. A. (2014). Creation of New Provinces in Pakistan and its implication for an integrated country, J.R.S.P.51.January-June, pp. 139-155
  • Vira, B. (2008). Identity and Politics in Contemporary South Asia: Introduction to the British Association for South Asian Studies (London: Rutledge), pp. 389.
  • Waseem, M. (1996). Ethnic Conflict in Pakistan: The Case of MQM, The Pakistan Development Review 35(4) Part II) pp. 617.
  • Zulfqar, S. (2012). Politics of New Provinces in Pakistan, IPRI Journal 13(2).pp. 150.
  • Zulfqar, S. (2012). Politics of New Provinces in Pakistan, IPRI Journal 13(2), pp.146-152.
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3).5-9
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3), pp.16-17
  • Robert c, O. (1987). Federalism and Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka (in Publius, 18(3), pp.175-188.

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    APA : Abbasi, A. M., Malik, M. S., & Zafar, A. (2020). Sub-Nationalism and the Case for Intrastate Re-Demarcation in South Asia. Global Political Review, V(III), 184-192.
    CHICAGO : Abbasi, Azhar Mahmood, Muhammad Shoaib Malik, and Asifa Zafar. 2020. "Sub-Nationalism and the Case for Intrastate Re-Demarcation in South Asia." Global Political Review, V (III): 184-192 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-III).18
    HARVARD : ABBASI, A. M., MALIK, M. S. & ZAFAR, A. 2020. Sub-Nationalism and the Case for Intrastate Re-Demarcation in South Asia. Global Political Review, V, 184-192.
    MHRA : Abbasi, Azhar Mahmood, Muhammad Shoaib Malik, and Asifa Zafar. 2020. "Sub-Nationalism and the Case for Intrastate Re-Demarcation in South Asia." Global Political Review, V: 184-192
    MLA : Abbasi, Azhar Mahmood, Muhammad Shoaib Malik, and Asifa Zafar. "Sub-Nationalism and the Case for Intrastate Re-Demarcation in South Asia." Global Political Review, V.III (2020): 184-192 Print.
    OXFORD : Abbasi, Azhar Mahmood, Malik, Muhammad Shoaib, and Zafar, Asifa (2020), "Sub-Nationalism and the Case for Intrastate Re-Demarcation in South Asia", Global Political Review, V (III), 184-192
    TURABIAN : Abbasi, Azhar Mahmood, Muhammad Shoaib Malik, and Asifa Zafar. "Sub-Nationalism and the Case for Intrastate Re-Demarcation in South Asia." Global Political Review V, no. III (2020): 184-192.