Exploring Media Narratives: A Qualitative Study of the Hijab Ban Coverage in Indian News Channels
Muskan Khan, a hijab-wearing Muslim student, was chased and intimidated by the majority of Hindu students of her college, but she refused to be cowed down raising the slogan Allah o Akbar. The incident gained international fame and she was given the title of hijab girl. Indian TV channels, The Republic World, Time Now, NDTV, and India Today, covered the incident. In this qualitative research, the researchers analyzed hijab coverage in current events and TV shows on the said TV channels. The findings revealed that the Indian Muslim minority was demonized in the media, and TV news programs in the country aired anti- hijab programming, equating the head covering with terrorism. The Indian news channel anchors and guests exaggerated, fabricated, and twisted the on-air content to create hatred against the hijab and Islam. They subtly showed their anti-Muslim political leanings in the content they produced and blamed Islam for the adversity.
Hijab, Veil, Islamophobia, Indian Muslims, Hijab and Terrorism
(1) Hassan Mehdi
Researcher, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
(2) Mohsin Hassan Khan
Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies, Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Shanawer Rafique
Senior Officerââ¬ÂMetadata Editor, Department Knowledge and Research Support Services (KRSS), University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Mehdi, H., Khan, M. H., & Rafique, S. (2024). Exploring Media Narratives: A Qualitative Study of the Hijab Ban Coverage in Indian News Channels. Global Political Review, IX(II), 96â€109. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2024(IX-II).09
CHICAGO : Mehdi, Hassan, Mohsin Hassan Khan, and Shanawer Rafique. 2024. "Exploring Media Narratives: A Qualitative Study of the Hijab Ban Coverage in Indian News Channels." Global Political Review, IX (II): 96â€109 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2024(IX-II).09
HARVARD : MEHDI, H., KHAN, M. H. & RAFIQUE, S. 2024. Exploring Media Narratives: A Qualitative Study of the Hijab Ban Coverage in Indian News Channels. Global Political Review, IX, 96â€109.
MHRA : Mehdi, Hassan, Mohsin Hassan Khan, and Shanawer Rafique. 2024. "Exploring Media Narratives: A Qualitative Study of the Hijab Ban Coverage in Indian News Channels." Global Political Review, IX: 96â€109
MLA : Mehdi, Hassan, Mohsin Hassan Khan, and Shanawer Rafique. "Exploring Media Narratives: A Qualitative Study of the Hijab Ban Coverage in Indian News Channels." Global Political Review, IX.II (2024): 96â€109 Print.
OXFORD : Mehdi, Hassan, Khan, Mohsin Hassan, and Rafique, Shanawer (2024), "Exploring Media Narratives: A Qualitative Study of the Hijab Ban Coverage in Indian News Channels", Global Political Review, IX (II), 96â€109
TURABIAN : Mehdi, Hassan, Mohsin Hassan Khan, and Shanawer Rafique. "Exploring Media Narratives: A Qualitative Study of the Hijab Ban Coverage in Indian News Channels." Global Political Review IX, no. II (2024): 96â€109. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2024(IX-II).09