01 Pages : 1-11
http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).01 10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).01 Published : Mar 2021India's Claim for Pacifism & Arms Modernization: Changing Postures and Outcomes for Pakistan
This article highlights the aims under Indian Prime Minister Modi concerning to foreign policy of India since 2014. Moreover, it determines those factors that are working as an impetus along with great powers intentions and motives behind them in playing such geostrategic politics in different dimensions, specifically in the nuclear relationship of India and Pakistan. It will also be summarised the assistance and neutrality of Asian power, United States role in South Asia. This paper evaluates the prospects of escalation and de-escalation furthermore as it will discuss the opacity of No First Use, logic and attempt for eradication. This article critically analyses the changing postures in terms of nuclear motivations, the ideology of the Hindutva effect and the comparison of arms and weapons, which are creating risks of miscalculations and essentially at the core of the stability-instability paradox. An attempt is also made to shed light on the core elements that are formulating under Modi.
No First Use, Pacifism, Interests-Roles, Foreign Policy, Future Prospects, Pakistan, India
(1) Muhammad Umer Hayat
Senior Assistant Professor, Department Humanities and Social Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Alina Zaid
MS Scholar, Department of International Relations, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Farrukh Shahzad
Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Hayat, M. U., Zaid, A., & Shahzad, F. (2021). India's Claim for Pacifism & Arms Modernization: Changing Postures and Outcomes for Pakistan. Global Political Review, VI(I), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).01
CHICAGO : Hayat, Muhammad Umer, Alina Zaid, and Farrukh Shahzad. 2021. "India's Claim for Pacifism & Arms Modernization: Changing Postures and Outcomes for Pakistan." Global Political Review, VI (I): 1-11 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).01
HARVARD : HAYAT, M. U., ZAID, A. & SHAHZAD, F. 2021. India's Claim for Pacifism & Arms Modernization: Changing Postures and Outcomes for Pakistan. Global Political Review, VI, 1-11.
MHRA : Hayat, Muhammad Umer, Alina Zaid, and Farrukh Shahzad. 2021. "India's Claim for Pacifism & Arms Modernization: Changing Postures and Outcomes for Pakistan." Global Political Review, VI: 1-11
MLA : Hayat, Muhammad Umer, Alina Zaid, and Farrukh Shahzad. "India's Claim for Pacifism & Arms Modernization: Changing Postures and Outcomes for Pakistan." Global Political Review, VI.I (2021): 1-11 Print.
OXFORD : Hayat, Muhammad Umer, Zaid, Alina, and Shahzad, Farrukh (2021), "India's Claim for Pacifism & Arms Modernization: Changing Postures and Outcomes for Pakistan", Global Political Review, VI (I), 1-11
TURABIAN : Hayat, Muhammad Umer, Alina Zaid, and Farrukh Shahzad. "India's Claim for Pacifism & Arms Modernization: Changing Postures and Outcomes for Pakistan." Global Political Review VI, no. I (2021): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).01