28 Pages : 251-259      10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).28      Published : Mar 2020

Marital Networks and Political Alliances in Baluchistan, Pakistan

    Abstract This paper is designed to show the relationship between affinity and political alliances. In kinship ties, descent imposes mutual duties and obligations and is only confined to those who share a common blood. Similarly, affinity ties non-blood relatives through marriage. While much of the existing literature has been majorly focused on descent lines; however, there is a lack of sufficient study on the role of marital alliances in reproducing the dominance of 'tribally influential families' despite emerging challenges to their authority from modern state institutions. Only Stephen M. Lyon & Mughal (2016) have conducted a comprehensive study on the role of marital networks in the making of political alliances among the elites of Punjab, Pakistan. By partially using their theoretical framework, I have tried to focus on the political alliances through marriages of one of the politically powerful families (Jogezai) in Baluchistan.

    Politics, Marriage, Kahole (Extended Family), Baluchistan
    (1) Aziz Ullah
    Student, National Institute of Pakistan Studies (NIPS), Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Ullah, Aziz. 2020. "Marital Networks and Political Alliances in Baluchistan, Pakistan." Global Political Review, V (I): 251-259 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).28
    HARVARD : ULLAH, A. 2020. Marital Networks and Political Alliances in Baluchistan, Pakistan. Global Political Review, V, 251-259.
    MHRA : Ullah, Aziz. 2020. "Marital Networks and Political Alliances in Baluchistan, Pakistan." Global Political Review, V: 251-259
    MLA : Ullah, Aziz. "Marital Networks and Political Alliances in Baluchistan, Pakistan." Global Political Review, V.I (2020): 251-259 Print.
    OXFORD : Ullah, Aziz (2020), "Marital Networks and Political Alliances in Baluchistan, Pakistan", Global Political Review, V (I), 251-259