News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter
The deceptively simple question remains unquestioned as "what news values are there particularly for social media?" As we implement the future of News writing in the hand of digital age, news values need to be identified and questioned. This article examines the main features of news values of social media specifically of Twitter which is no doubt the rapid source of news dissemination. This study explores the extent to which Harcup and ONeills given news values for journalism and how they faced by social media platforms. Evaluation by researchers shows that major chunk was "Relevancy" While dominant geographical proximity found to be mainly adopted by twitter account holders. Whereas, the least one unsurprisingly "Entertainment" which literally prove that Twitter is habitually used for hard news rather than soft news.
News values, Social Media, Twitter, and Newsworthiness.
(1) Zahid Yousaf
Associate Professor, Centre for Media and Communication Studies, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Rooh ul Amin Khan
Assistant Professor, Media and Communication Studies, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Malik Adnan
Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Yousaf, Z., Khan, R. u. A., & Adnan, M. (2019). News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter. Global Political Review, IV(IV), 78-87.
CHICAGO : Yousaf, Zahid, Rooh ul Amin Khan, and Malik Adnan. 2019. "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter." Global Political Review, IV (IV): 78-87 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-IV).09
HARVARD : YOUSAF, Z., KHAN, R. U. A. & ADNAN, M. 2019. News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter. Global Political Review, IV, 78-87.
MHRA : Yousaf, Zahid, Rooh ul Amin Khan, and Malik Adnan. 2019. "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter." Global Political Review, IV: 78-87
MLA : Yousaf, Zahid, Rooh ul Amin Khan, and Malik Adnan. "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter." Global Political Review, IV.IV (2019): 78-87 Print.
OXFORD : Yousaf, Zahid, Khan, Rooh ul Amin, and Adnan, Malik (2019), "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter", Global Political Review, IV (IV), 78-87
TURABIAN : Yousaf, Zahid, Rooh ul Amin Khan, and Malik Adnan. "News Values on Social Media and use of Twitter." Global Political Review IV, no. IV (2019): 78-87.