Published : Sep 2020
The Concept of Pluralism in the Light of Athar-e-Sahabah (R.A)
Pluralism allows the other people to live and practice their beliefs, religions in a same society. This paper explains the behavior of venerable companions of Holy Prophet (PBUH) regarding others who have religion other than Islam. Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) always treated the followers of the other religions with affection, kindness and compassion. The conduct of Venerable Companions will remain as a guiding star for the human beings.
Pluralism, Venerable Companions, Religions, Kindness
(1) Moazzam Ali
Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Government Degree College of Special Education Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Aziza Madnia Saeedi
Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Government Degree College of Special Education Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Imran Ali
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Government Degree College of Special Education Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Ali, M., Saeedi, A. M., & Ali, I. (2020). The Concept of Pluralism in the Light of Athar-e-Sahabah (R.A). Global Political Review, V(III), 115-120.
CHICAGO : Ali, Moazzam, Aziza Madnia Saeedi, and Imran Ali. 2020. "The Concept of Pluralism in the Light of Athar-e-Sahabah (R.A)." Global Political Review, V (III): 115-120 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-III).11
HARVARD : ALI, M., SAEEDI, A. M. & ALI, I. 2020. The Concept of Pluralism in the Light of Athar-e-Sahabah (R.A). Global Political Review, V, 115-120.
MHRA : Ali, Moazzam, Aziza Madnia Saeedi, and Imran Ali. 2020. "The Concept of Pluralism in the Light of Athar-e-Sahabah (R.A)." Global Political Review, V: 115-120
MLA : Ali, Moazzam, Aziza Madnia Saeedi, and Imran Ali. "The Concept of Pluralism in the Light of Athar-e-Sahabah (R.A)." Global Political Review, V.III (2020): 115-120 Print.
OXFORD : Ali, Moazzam, Saeedi, Aziza Madnia, and Ali, Imran (2020), "The Concept of Pluralism in the Light of Athar-e-Sahabah (R.A)", Global Political Review, V (III), 115-120
TURABIAN : Ali, Moazzam, Aziza Madnia Saeedi, and Imran Ali. "The Concept of Pluralism in the Light of Athar-e-Sahabah (R.A)." Global Political Review V, no. III (2020): 115-120.