13 Pages : 112-118      10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).13      Published : Mar 2020

A New Calculation of Global Leadership: Post Corona World Order

    Global pandemic has largely impacted the world political, economic and cultural phenomena with breeding many new components. The leadership has also been in a new face, influenced by new indicators along with existing others. This article found the health management capability, environmental viability, HDI index and intelligence capacities as the new components of determining global leadership along with existing political, economic, cultural and military might. The security paradigm has also been shaped in new face by admitting health threat as the global concern. Collective coordination with an aim to deal global threat like epidemic has been immensely needed. Information sharing, scientific and technological cooperation are newly articulated as the core components of global cooperation. The sign of nationalism, racism, xenophobia has been also resurfaced across the world

    Global Pandemic, Global Leadership, Post-Corona World Order, Health Security
    (1) M. Abdul Aziz
    Executive Director, Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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    CHICAGO : Aziz, M. Abdul. 2020. "A New Calculation of Global Leadership: Post Corona World Order." Global Political Review, V (I): 112-118 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).13
    HARVARD : AZIZ, M. A. 2020. A New Calculation of Global Leadership: Post Corona World Order. Global Political Review, V, 112-118.
    MHRA : Aziz, M. Abdul. 2020. "A New Calculation of Global Leadership: Post Corona World Order." Global Political Review, V: 112-118
    MLA : Aziz, M. Abdul. "A New Calculation of Global Leadership: Post Corona World Order." Global Political Review, V.I (2020): 112-118 Print.
    OXFORD : Aziz, M. Abdul (2020), "A New Calculation of Global Leadership: Post Corona World Order", Global Political Review, V (I), 112-118