04 Pages : 33-45      10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-II).04      Published : Jun 2019

Organizational Culture Influences on Creativity and Innovation: A Review

    Due to the rapid change in technology, the world becomes more globalized, the success and survival of any organization build upon on its ability to stay creative and innovative. Innovation and creativity are the twin processes and have shown the greatest significance, achievement and sustainability to an organization. Innovation and creativity go hand in hand; greater creativity is a clue to more innovations. Innovation is one of the leading elements which inducing business success in a tremendously modest and vibrant way. The scholars and specialists have struggled to contribute to enhance and develop the awareness of the real management of innovation. Up to the present time, although the literature on innovation is growing quickly, very slight consideration has been waged to the administrative and executive matters relating to creativity. The aim of this paper is to review all the previous literature on the connection of organizational culture with creativity and innovation.

    Organizational Culture, Creativity, Innovation
    (1) Noor Hassan
    PhD Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Yeungnam University South Korea.
    (2) Jaehoon Rhee
    Professor, School of Business Administration, Yeungnam University South Korea.
    (3) Alisher Dedahanov
    Professor, School of Business Administration, Yeungnam University South Korea.
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    CHICAGO : Hassan, Noor, Jaehoon Rhee, and Alisher Dedahanov. 2019. "Organizational Culture Influences on Creativity and Innovation: A Review." Global Political Review, IV (II): 33-45 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-II).04
    HARVARD : HASSAN, N., RHEE, J. & DEDAHANOV, A. 2019. Organizational Culture Influences on Creativity and Innovation: A Review. Global Political Review, IV, 33-45.
    MHRA : Hassan, Noor, Jaehoon Rhee, and Alisher Dedahanov. 2019. "Organizational Culture Influences on Creativity and Innovation: A Review." Global Political Review, IV: 33-45
    MLA : Hassan, Noor, Jaehoon Rhee, and Alisher Dedahanov. "Organizational Culture Influences on Creativity and Innovation: A Review." Global Political Review, IV.II (2019): 33-45 Print.
    OXFORD : Hassan, Noor, Rhee, Jaehoon, and Dedahanov, Alisher (2019), "Organizational Culture Influences on Creativity and Innovation: A Review", Global Political Review, IV (II), 33-45
    TURABIAN : Hassan, Noor, Jaehoon Rhee, and Alisher Dedahanov. "Organizational Culture Influences on Creativity and Innovation: A Review." Global Political Review IV, no. II (2019): 33-45.