Social Media Usage for Sharing Political Information among University Students in Sindh province, Pakistan
Social media is an important channel to share information as it provides free media platform to its users to exchange political information within online community. Users besides other fields also involve in sharing political information to educate and motivate others towards real political issues. To understand the effectiveness of political communication via social media feedback is an essential ingredient. Users give feedback in different ways including sharing political content on the network. Users on social media not only create political content but commonly involve in sharing political content that is closely related with their political attitudes and behavior. This study employs quantitative research design to collect data from 387 respondents from four general discipline universities of Sindh province Pakistan. The results revealed that university students in majority use social media for political purpose and share political information to educate masses. Furthermore Facebook comes first of the list in social networking.
Social Media, Share political Information. University Students
(1) Liaquat Umrani
Lecturer, Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
(2) Abdul Razaque Chhachhar
Assistant Professor, Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Qasim Nizamani
Associate Professor, Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
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APA : Umrani, L., Chhachhar, A. R., & Nizamani, M. Q. (2024). Social Media Usage for Sharing Political Information among University Students in Sindh province, Pakistan. Global Political Review, IX(I), 55-66.
CHICAGO : Umrani, Liaquat, Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, and Muhammad Qasim Nizamani. 2024. "Social Media Usage for Sharing Political Information among University Students in Sindh province, Pakistan." Global Political Review, IX (I): 55-66 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2024(IX-I).07
HARVARD : UMRANI, L., CHHACHHAR, A. R. & NIZAMANI, M. Q. 2024. Social Media Usage for Sharing Political Information among University Students in Sindh province, Pakistan. Global Political Review, IX, 55-66.
MHRA : Umrani, Liaquat, Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, and Muhammad Qasim Nizamani. 2024. "Social Media Usage for Sharing Political Information among University Students in Sindh province, Pakistan." Global Political Review, IX: 55-66
MLA : Umrani, Liaquat, Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, and Muhammad Qasim Nizamani. "Social Media Usage for Sharing Political Information among University Students in Sindh province, Pakistan." Global Political Review, IX.I (2024): 55-66 Print.
OXFORD : Umrani, Liaquat, Chhachhar, Abdul Razaque, and Nizamani, Muhammad Qasim (2024), "Social Media Usage for Sharing Political Information among University Students in Sindh province, Pakistan", Global Political Review, IX (I), 55-66
TURABIAN : Umrani, Liaquat, Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, and Muhammad Qasim Nizamani. "Social Media Usage for Sharing Political Information among University Students in Sindh province, Pakistan." Global Political Review IX, no. I (2024): 55-66.