38 Pages : 352-360      10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).38      Published : Mar 2020

The Psychological Effects of COVID-19 on University Students

    The worldwide spread of COVID-19 is inducing devastating effects on the physical and psychological health of the masses. This study was designed to identify the psychological effects of COVID-19 on university students in Lahore, Pakistan. A sample consisted of 125 students was selected conveniently form all public and private sector universities of district Lahore. A questionnaire comprising 34 statements related to psychological effects (including sleeping routine, eating habits, fear and anxiety, social interaction and mental wellbeing etc.) of COVID-19 on university students was used. The data collected through "google form" was analyzed through SPSS version 22. The results indicated that the COVID- 19 pandemic highly affects the social interaction of the students and inflict stress and anxiety among them. On the basis of the findings, it is recommended to keep university students engaged with healthy interactive activities and arrange some counselling sessions to minimize psychological effects to lead them to normal life.

    Coronavirus (COVID-19), Psychological Effects, University Students
    (1) Misbah Malik
    Assistant Professor, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
    (2) Fasiha Altaf
    PhD. Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
    (3) Mehwish Gull
    PhD. Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Malik, Misbah, Fasiha Altaf, and Mehwish Gull. 2020. "The Psychological Effects of COVID-19 on University Students." Global Political Review, V (I): 352-360 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).38
    HARVARD : MALIK, M., ALTAF, F. & GULL, M. 2020. The Psychological Effects of COVID-19 on University Students. Global Political Review, V, 352-360.
    MHRA : Malik, Misbah, Fasiha Altaf, and Mehwish Gull. 2020. "The Psychological Effects of COVID-19 on University Students." Global Political Review, V: 352-360
    MLA : Malik, Misbah, Fasiha Altaf, and Mehwish Gull. "The Psychological Effects of COVID-19 on University Students." Global Political Review, V.I (2020): 352-360 Print.
    OXFORD : Malik, Misbah, Altaf, Fasiha, and Gull, Mehwish (2020), "The Psychological Effects of COVID-19 on University Students", Global Political Review, V (I), 352-360
    TURABIAN : Malik, Misbah, Fasiha Altaf, and Mehwish Gull. "The Psychological Effects of COVID-19 on University Students." Global Political Review V, no. I (2020): 352-360.