03 Pages : 20-32      10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-II).03      Published : Jun 2019

Mothers Role and Perception in Developing Gender Discrimination

    This study of the role and perception of mothers in developing gender discrimination is focused on analyzing motherÂ’s role, as their role in developing child personality and social behavior is proved by the researches. Present research is a mixed method research, mothers were the population , a total 183 mothers were selected, data was collected through questionnaire and 16 mothers were selected for personal interview through purposive and random sampling .Validity was ascertained through expert opinion and reliability through Cronbach alpha .Results indicated that mothers from rural and urban areas of Sindh Pakistan have almost similar and very obvious discriminative behavior for daughters and sons mother do not realized implications of their behavior and they presents many arguments to justify their gender discriminative behavior. We concluded that awareness of the consequences of their behavior and education should be emphasized to change discriminative behavior for minimizing gender gap.

    Gender Equality. Gender Discrimination, Perception, Consequences
    (1) Anjum Bano Kazimi
    Professor, Department of Education, IQRA University, Karachi, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Ali Shaikh
    Vice Chancellor/Meritorious Professor, Department of Media and Communication Studies, SMI University, Karachi, Pakistan.
    (3) Stephen John
    Director ORIC, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Kazimi, Anjum Bano, Muhammad Ali Shaikh, and Stephen John. 2019. "Mothers Role and Perception in Developing Gender Discrimination." Global Political Review, IV (II): 20-32 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-II).03
    HARVARD : KAZIMI, A. B., SHAIKH, M. A. & JOHN, S. 2019. Mothers Role and Perception in Developing Gender Discrimination. Global Political Review, IV, 20-32.
    MHRA : Kazimi, Anjum Bano, Muhammad Ali Shaikh, and Stephen John. 2019. "Mothers Role and Perception in Developing Gender Discrimination." Global Political Review, IV: 20-32
    MLA : Kazimi, Anjum Bano, Muhammad Ali Shaikh, and Stephen John. "Mothers Role and Perception in Developing Gender Discrimination." Global Political Review, IV.II (2019): 20-32 Print.
    OXFORD : Kazimi, Anjum Bano, Shaikh, Muhammad Ali, and John, Stephen (2019), "Mothers Role and Perception in Developing Gender Discrimination", Global Political Review, IV (II), 20-32
    TURABIAN : Kazimi, Anjum Bano, Muhammad Ali Shaikh, and Stephen John. "Mothers Role and Perception in Developing Gender Discrimination." Global Political Review IV, no. II (2019): 20-32.