
, Issue-IV

(FALL 2021)

01 - A Critical Analysis of Coalition Politics in Pakistan A Case Study of PPP-led Co...
10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-IV).01      Published : Dec 2021

    Coalition politics have played a unique role in the modern system of governance. It played a vital role in politics for bringing the smaller political parties closer by reducing the chances of serious conflicts. Coalitions can be governmental, which are formed after elections, and coalitions also can be formed before elections. Like most of the Third World countries, Pakistan is an emerging democr... Details
    Coalition Politics, Alliance Theory, PPP-led Coalition, Ruling Alliances, Politics of Pakistan 2008-2013, 18th Amendment Bill, Politics of Reconciliation
    (1) Muhammad Touqeer Akhter Nasir
    Ph.D. Scholar, Pakistan Study Center, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Khan Faqir
    Assistant Professor, Pakistan Study Center, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.

02 - Anarchism: A Legacy of Postmodernism...
10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-IV).02      Published : Dec 2021

    This study has made the implicit links between postmodernism and anarchism explicit in order to uncover the philosophical origins of terrorism in the postmodern society. This study deals with the Anarchists' philosophical background and how Postmodernism fanned it. Anarchists' approach mainly whirls around a single point agenda, and that is, they are against the state or existence of states' borde... Details
    Postmodernism, Anarchism, Neoconservatives, Leo Strauss, Nietzsche, Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction
    (1) Shaukat
    Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Fakhr ul Munir
    Demonstrator, Department of Political Science, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan
    (3) Muhammad Hamza
    M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Political Science, GC University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

03 - Infusing National Integration in the Fractured Society of Pakistan...
10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-IV).03      Published : Dec 2021

    There is a common proverb that national integration in Pakistan appears in crises only. The nation has responded during calamities in a unified manner. However, when the crisis is dealt with, the internal incongruities resurface. The Pakistani society is divided into fault lines, like, political, ethnic, linguistic, societal, feudal, religious,and provincial etc., which has fractured national inte... Details
    Fractured Society, National Harmony, National Cohesion, National Integration
    (1) Waseem Ishaque
    Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Mudassir Mukhtar
    HoD/Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Rubina Ali
    Visiting Research Scholar, CSSS, Department of War Studies, King's College London.

04 - Offshore Balancing as Grand Strategy: Hegemonic Control and Sino-US Trade War; I...
10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-IV).04      Published : Dec 2021

    This paper gives a concise outline of US-China trade and merchandise relations, recognizes significant causes, results or issues of the contention, and gives explicit answers for how to decrease the heightening of such a "battle" between the two financial authoritarians.The Research has used economic data from American and Chinese Governments and elaborated it qualitatively employing post-modernis... Details
    Trade War, Offshore Balancing, Hegemony, Economic Impact, Pakistan
    (1) Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad Siddiqui
    Chairman, Department of International Relations, Emerson University Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Imran Pasha
    Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Saira Akram
    Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan

05 - The Role of Civil Society Organizations and Political Participation of Youth in ...
10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-IV).05      Published : Dec 2021

    The focus of this study is to analyses the role of civil society in promoting youth participation in the political process. The methodology of the study includes a review of the existing stock of literature on youth participation in politics and the role of CSOs in the promotion of youth participation in politics, followed by collecting and analyzing primary data from 200 Islamabad based universit... Details
    Civil Society, Political Participation, Youth
    (1) Mumtaz Jahan
    Lecturer, Shifa College of Nursing, Shifa Tameer-e-Milat University, Islamabad, Pakistan

06 - Identity Crises and Politics of Ethnicity: A Case Study of Hazara Nationalist Mo...
10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-IV).06      Published : Dec 2021

    The Pakistani Federation has vested more autonomy to the provinces through the 18th constitutional amendment. This autonomy has evidenced impetus for the continuing demands of sub-national sets and provincial minorities for the creation of new provinces in Pakistan. The identity crisis and politics of ethnicity have been reawakened after the 18th constitutional amendment. The Hazarawal (variouseth... Details
    Hazara, Province, Autonomy, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ethnicity, Identity, Ethnic Nationalism
    (1) Muhammad Anwar
    Lecturer, Department of Pakistan Studies and History, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Azhar Mehmood Abbasi
    Lecturer, Department of Pakistan Studies and History, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Kanwal Noreen
    Lecturer, Department of Pakistan Studies and History, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.

07 - Pak-Turk Strategic Framework and Geo-Economic Relations in post 9/11 Era: A way ...
10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-IV).07      Published : Dec 2021

    Because of deep cultural, spiritual, and trade relationships,Pakistan and Turkey have had powerful connections since Pakistan's independence. The Two brother countries have already been collaborating to strengthen their trade cooperation in order to ensure an effective presence in the world market, as well as to establish different opportunities for each other to boost one's national economies. Th... Details
    Pakistan, Turkey, Geo-Political, Geo-Economic Strategies, Economic Framework
    (1) Saira Akram
    Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Muhammad Imran Pasha
    Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad Siddiqui
    Chairman, Department of International Relations, Emerson University Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
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